SFV Lounge: Makoto is coming for sure. F2P definitely. RIP Pertho's doggy

Why did you buy a game with season passes, twice, that you not just obviously hate, but also constantly shit on.

I know it’s your money, but thats retarded.

^ Someone delete him already. He adds nothing to the SRK experience and serves to only infuriate.


Me putting up with shitty ass SF5 lead to me running a bunch of tournaments for the game, tournament for other games, growing my local scene in a positive direction and continued participation in SRK. I could’ve done other things, but dealing with with the discomfort of a game I don’t like created more positive things than walking away.

That also lead to eventually me buying Blazblue with all the DLC to run tournaments for that too.

You can feel any which way about it, but grinning my teeth and shrugging it all meant net positive things happened.

Me! I’m very proud.

Which leads to the obvious question.

Should I main Rashid or Bison?

So you basically make money with it?
Fair point.

LOL no. All in all a net loss. But this is a hobby. Very few hobbies make you money. You don’t enter this scene to make money.

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Eh seems like a waste of time and energy then.

How is improving the situation for a hobby I enjoyed overall a waste of time and energy?

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It’s connected to SFV, therefore it’s bad.
Simple as that.

I don’t get this cipher dude’s shtick. Why the fuck you here?

Blazblu is ass, goat animu weeb game is P4A.

Why the fuck you still playing SFV?

Afraid to play something that isn’t considerd cool and edgy by your neighbour.

P4A is garbage and anyone with a working mind knows it!

You’re in a capcom centric website. Asking why people here put up with SF5 is like asking why a lot of GG players put up with BlazBlue when it released.


What the fuck does that even mean? Lmao

Tekken is my main game, but I legit play just about every fighting game. Soul Calibur, DBFZ, UNIST, GG, etc.

Dumb fuck troll someone else. :joy:

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This seems more like the place people go to to talk why SFV is shit, while insisting to play it over anything else.

It’s not like there aren’t any options to pick, nah it’s only SF and Mk.

exactly! sf5 is in its third year. the only way to "As stupid as it may seem, but the more money you feed into sf5…the better chances you have of getting a higher quality sf game." do this is to buy the dlc content and thats what the whole discussion evolved around.

i am with you on the initial purchase opinion even tho i still filter out things i think are worth it or not.
when i believe its not worth it i either skip it or just dont buy it for the “full” price. i have plenty of fighting games too which i dont play actively but there is still something to them i like so i want them to continue or in case of being a pc gamer to be released on pc at all.

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Look mans, P4A is straight GOAT animu status. We can fight about this.

I think Mika actually. If you aren’t smart enough to second guess yourself and you are too dumb to be deterred she is a nightmare beast.

I say Bison and VT2 cause everyone gets hit by the command grab.

Alright one stupid Mika main coming right up!