SFV Lounge: Makoto is coming for sure. F2P definitely. RIP Pertho's doggy

No reason to get nasty, I’m just stating a fact.

If you look up garbage “anime trash fighting game” you see P4A at the top of the list.

Cipher did you get hugged enough as a kid?

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Hold up/forward, alternate between splash and j.HP
learn meaty follow ups for MP/HP Peach and Passion Press, learn one good corner mix up
dropkick sometimes
dash Passion Press

Welcome to Ultra Diamond. The most important part is to not never be doing one of those things. If you are thinking of doing something else, immediately stop thinking period and hold up/forward.


I had SFIV on all platforms. Online was utter shit on PS3. I’ll take SFV on it’s worse day over that nonsense.


SFIV’s online structure made it a hassle to play:
1.Get the new challenger announcement.
2.Go to the lobby screen to wait for the opponent to confirm, which could mean like 30s if he’s AFK.
3.Character select screen, up to other 50 seconds if he’s really dragging it.
4.Match, finally.
5.No option to rematch so back again to the nonsense after a single one.

2 & 3 are reduced to 10s of selecting V-trigger and you can play best of 3 after it. SFV wins by a landslide.


you, obviously

I don’t even consider the PS3 version of SF4, in fact I’ve said on Xbox.

I could do it the same for SFV. Bet?

SF4 online was far from perfect, but personally I had a better online experience back then. Yeah,was much slower than offline (where I played the game the most tbh), but SFV have reached a new level of BS.

SFV is enjoyable online when everything works, the problem is this ain’t happen too much on regular basis. Even when 2 players have good connection lag can happen, that’s unacceptable. SF4 had slowdowns, SFV has teleportations, pick your poison.


That’s a lot of buttons. Can we get it down to like, 2 buttons? That way it’s just like P4A the greatest game ever made.

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What up everyone, im learning bison and besides the evo champ is there anyone else in general i should study? Thanks!

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Did Cipher just ask Pertho why he, as a TO, bought games he doesn’t really play himself, and then insult him for doing community work?

I’m not sure whether to reply with “please, get your head out of your basement and play with real people” or “please fuck yourself with a cactus”. Probably both, with an emphasis on the latter.


Sure, explain why?

I have a confession. Every time I say “Fuck SFV” it’s always 5 seconds before I load up SFV to play it and 90% of the time I always have fun.

Free gif


Also God Eater 3 is shit lol

If we cut out some meaties and you content with just being a Diamond Mika you can get it down to like 3 buttons? If you’re buttoning on a budget Rashid or Bison takes it I think.

I’ve heard mid-level Bison players keep spare buttons in their pockets to replace their HP button when it breaks due to over use mid-match. Pro-level Bison players avoid this problem by binding at least 4 buttons on the stick to HP so it as ready at all times.

Rashid players just play with that big button from Staples running through a Brooks converter.


I already have the brooks converter…

I love the smell of a plan coming together.

I have more fun playing with you guys.

When I play ranked it’s a whole lot of, “can you deal with this particular persons brand of nonsense”. Which makes me mad salty by the end.

In fairness though, that’s on me. It’s just not my favorite part of the learning process by a lot.

Which is why ranked’s usually better for learning in the long run, and also why I almost never play ranked in most fighters.

Having someone ragequit on you because you figured out their flowchart in the last round is annoying AF.

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Can you only get characters with real money in in dbfz or is the currency only for cosmetics?

Like I alluded to though, you (me) still need to learn to deal with the BS…

Otherwise you will get ghandi’d…

Also, to overcome the fear of bullshit by learning to stop it. Unfortunately the process will mean you take some really salty “L’s”

Character unlocks are real money only.

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