SFV Lounge: Makoto is coming for sure. F2P definitely. RIP Pertho's doggy

Man for me ranked in the most unfun way to play SFV. Lots of rage quitters and too many one and done’s from people scared to lose points

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So is there any point in saving or should i just throw away money at the shop?

Well, I tend to keep about 300k in reserve, that way when there are event colors/junk I can just get them all straight away.

Unlocking a full seasonal dump takes about 200k and then the corresponding Hercule capsules.

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I’m actually less salty about the losses than the other guy quitting because he got figured out.

Like, do you care that little about learning, and that much about ranking points? Seriously?

It just feels so fucking dumb. As salty as I get when I get whooped, I’ll hold my Ls. These guys are even more sore losers than I am, and that’s impressive in a retarded way. But it still pisses me off.

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I feel like I’ll come across as a little annoying bringing this up again but how do I deal with Abigail’s VT2 from a distance?

And yes I know supers can work against it but I want something that isnt a super… bonus points if its a meterless option

To clarify.

I meant when you lose the set because you couldn’t manage to figure out the stupid in time. You know it’s dumb, but you still got whooped.

Like I said, those losses are on me… but I tend to leave those games a touch salty. Too many of those in a session and it’s closer to pissed off…


Jumping is the answer. I know I already said that, but it is.

You know when he get full charge. It’s really not in his favor, he’s banking on you panicking, or gambling and releasing it at the perfect time to clip you. Further away you have time to react.

There are knockdown setups where your basically fucked though.

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Oh yeah, absolutely. I have those too. But that’s mostly being angry at myself. I might want to insult the other guy, but he beat me, so I really can’t blame him from doing stuff that works, regardless of how stupid it was. It’s my fault, so I usually need to cool down, collect myself, and analyze what went wrong.

Falke’s v-skill is 6 hits, Abigail’s VT2 has 2 hits of armour when he is moving.
Also, standing shot is 3 hits. Again, 2 hits of armour when moving.
Or jump when he starts moving, do dive kick to Mario out of his head, land on his back and punish him silly.

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I did.

Here are enough people who get triggerd easaly. So I have my entertainment value.

You can just jump over it? Crazy every time I tried that I got hit… I guess I must have jumped either too soon or too late

Thanks for the replies guyse

If you run into a Abi that still does full screen VT2, beat him,end match, then kick him out the lobby. I fought a Ed player that did 2 EX DPs (they both whiffed) in a row for whatever the fuck reason, i sat my fightstick down and went to grab a drink…there’s nothing to learn from shit like that

Also I think you can just straight up GRAB Abigail if you’re close enough while he’s charging his autismo charge

You could learn to punish the first DP?


Smart ass comment, he was a block and a half away during the first EX, so he thought I was going to move up/press a button and did another EX, he lost shortly after that badly :^) I was using Mika, no EX and not in range to really capitalize

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@MilesRiey For Abigail’s VT2 jumping back can also work well if you have the space. If you time the jump right you can get a jump in punish off of it. Forward jumping is safest but if you’re late or rollback gets you the charge will catch you on the way up.

With G if you really don’t want to deal with it jump forward and air VSkill for more than enough hang time.

Also with G if you have big 'ol balls pick VT2 and try to VT2 command grab him out of it. You get a little bit of wiggle room since it has a hit of armor and long range. Timing isn’t as hard as you’d think but its all for style. Then again girls might be watching.

Regarding ranked: I have the same experiences FlyingVe does. I tend to treat Ranked as more mental training than anything else. How quickly can I figure this stuff out? Do I know an answer for this? How well can I deal with the frustration of gimmickry?

By the time I hit up Ranked I usually feel like mechanically I mostly have my shit together (or at least did with Laura) so its more about playing smart and calm. G needs more time in the oven before I try that shit.

I’m just giving you crap.

My glass house is already reduced to shards, so there no point in not throwing stones now.

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i like the shit talk, have a free image

You’ll never be an online UGM Bison/Rashid with that attitude.

You call him a stupid cheap cuck and keep throwing rocks.

Self reflection is for our Japanese overlords.

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I already let YOLO VT2 charge rip on a regular basis. I’m well on my way to grand master.