SFV Lounge: Makoto is coming for sure. F2P definitely. RIP Pertho's doggy

I always liked Tanya’s MK4 ending. She hit Liu Kang with the NWO heel turn.


The guy who runs that twitter account is an SRKer.

If you look deep enough in scrubquotes you’re gonna find a quote from me. Manage to troll scrubquotes and another dude at the SAME DAMN TIME!

It has to be related to their servers.
I can fight a guy and it plays ok and then after hour or two it starts lagging.
Besides that, I’ve noticed that when I play against streamers (AngryMojo, Will2Pac) it gets extremely laggy on my side, while it’s working great for them. Maybe the lag is always assigned to a guy from 3rd world country :slight_smile:

Yeah I used to get good connections a lot more consistently a couple months ago, recently though it has been a lot more teleport-ish


SFV netcode is like a living creature with a medical condition that only seems to get worse. I remember the game being way better pre AE. I still remember my first online game in AE, it was versus a local player and it felt way worse than before.

The netcode pre AE was somehow smoother, yes.
I could play against people in the US with much less lag than now.
And it was even playable against people in Asia.

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Soon, the new netcode will be revealed and all ye haters will be silent in awe.

I really hope so because i am sick of the game at this point and the online is the worst of all. I barely played anything in the past month cause of a boring balance patch and them coming out with Evil Dan.

Like yay, i got a new combo filler and the other fucker walks slightly faster forward and his Ex tornado sweep is 3 hits vs fireballs. Just lame shit tbh.

I am not even looking for the tournament season cause Akuma, Rashid and Ibuki are still gods among men, will be the same old shit, same dominant characters for the 3rd year in a row. Like i now i know it is not logical, but at this point, i hope Rashid, Ibuki, and Akuma would get the S1 treatment so we would see new faces.

But i guess we may see slightly less Cammy and slightly more Karin, yeah, much progression.

It is getting super lame recently, but hey, at least Resident Evil 2 and Red dead 2 is keeping me occupied.


I like SFV. The biggest issue I have with the game is the netcode.
If they don’t plan to update it, they might as well stop releasing new characters.


The game’s been the same bullshit since 2.5 . If you’re tired of it now, then welcome to 2 years ago.


There are days when I feel like I’m playing offline…and then there are the days where every other match feels like I’m playing in some backwater in Kansas.

But what I can honestly say is that I’ve had way more hits than misses when it comes to SFV online. I play this game a lot, but I understand how important and refreshing it can be to take a small break every now and then.


It all depends on where you live, if you live in areas where at least 50% of your fights are vs the same country, it would be great for you.

Otherwise, the netcode is basically unplayable atm, like said above, there is more teleportation than ever.

Top 8s had surprising variety last year in CPT despite the clear top 5 characters. I never would have figured Abi was going to grand final CPT, but I guess that’s like CPT 2017 where there’s always some top player of a big dude that outranges most of the cast that gets up there. The doom and gloom of Cammy was definitely overstated and it was good to see people who bandwagoned over like Punk figure out that it was still better to just stick with Karin than be another Cammy that doesn’t get as good results as the top 2 or 3 Cammys.

Not going to see Ryu or Alex top 8 anything this year, but that’s a given. Alex has been CPT unviable arguably since he launched and Ryu may just barely be in counter pick tier now at best.

This will be the best shot at CPT variety since the game launched. The top characters are all in a position where they are pretty beatable since they’re only the top 3 by inches and 2 of them are overall nerfed versions of their old selves. Everyone under that has either gotten generally better outside of a few already irrelevant characters. This will likely be Punk’s season again now that he’s back on Karin who’s basically better than she already was with the changes.

Safe to say almost every character is at least a threat this season and looking forward to what it does at Evo Japan and CPT. DLC characters will probably come out too balanced, but that’s expected and safe for competition.


SF4 had a lot of variety even at its worst. Think that its because its harder to switch to a top tier in fighting games for the short period than to adjust to changes for your main.

Game with no physical requirements to play, say MTG, have people picking a top tier free every time. So all in all, I dont necessarily think that balance patches do much to promote variety. They do make things life easier for loyalists with buffs though.

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The arcade release will also promote variety since you’ll have more of the Japanese lab monsters regularly playing the lesser common characters and giving them more spotlight in an intense offline environment. Looking forward to what that does also. Gives better room for sponsorship for some of those players that are seen often doing well at cab tournaments.

Its 3 years into this and people are sort of burned out already. Not sure how much SF5 arcade release will change that. Just like I’m not to keen as to what has been unexplored in this game that would be exposed by arcade players.

The two really big things I could think of are CC sweep set ups and optimizing back dashing on defense.

Other than that, I’m not very optimistic that the arcade release will do a lot for the low tier characters like it did with SF4. Just a lot less tools and less system mechanics to exploit.

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I think we’re all older and the FGC is an aging community. This plays a part.


There’s a lot of characters that are sitting on some good shit and just need the right player breaking out with them. Characters like Blanka and Cody are actually some of the more tech driven characters of the game and could be some of the types that have a top player break out from the Japanese arcade cab play. A lot of characters are out now and so there’s still room for discovery and players to break out in that type of environment. SFV’s tech is a bit more subtle than SFIV’s and generally more character specific, but it’s there and room to take advantage of it.

SFIV kept nerfing a lot of stuff that made characters good, so really to me even in IV it was more about the right exposure than anything else. Most of the real broken stuff got taken out by Ultra and stuff that was doing well was easy to exploit stuff like Elena sitting on healing and Yun being a better rushdown character than 95 percent of the cast. Pepeday broke out moreso as a player than anything new he did with the character technically. Quesadilla bomb buff was enough on its own to put Fuerte on the map since he got huge damage neutral crash along with his haphazard gameplay.


Back dashing is so under utilized. Thank you Capcom for air flip outs screwing up hit confirms.

bringing examples of times where 2d fighting games in general didnt made much money.
the current competition and the success they have shows capcom and every other fighting game producer that there are people out there who are interested into fighting games. we are not in pre sf4 times anymore.

by your logic you must have bought all the dlc capcom provided so far or a large part of it due to papa capcom otherwhise doesnt bring out a sf6. did you? we all bought at least the base game because we are interested in the franchise but beyond that. shoving in more money as the guy above said which lead to this conversation when you actually are not satisfied is just plain and simple stupid and gives the wrong sign. and beside of that, there are plenty of other options you can go to despite this genre being niche. you dont like produkt A, go and buy/play product B. you are not a hostage to anyone but with your mindsetting you make one yourself.

same goes for your “enduring” sfv because of the greather good of building up a community. it would be much wiser to do that for games you actually like. because going in with the hope that people might actively play later on titles you like doesnt work out the majority of time. it just lead to you being stuck in playing a game you dont like which kinda makes you like cipher.