SFV Lounge: Makoto is coming for sure. F2P definitely. RIP Pertho's doggy

Ost was decent but all other things felt wrong to me.

I hated shills but honestly deep down, I still hate you all but it’s good to have to you in some form.

Dragon’s Dogma 2 (Allegedly)
Resident Evil Remake 3 (Allegedly)

I don’t know what’s going on but Capcom is trying their hardest to make a comeback. People hate Monster Hunter World but can’t stop playing it because they can’t admit their in a abusive relationship with grinding. Only thing Capcom didn’t expect was the players wanting new characters in Season 4 :^) They were like uhhh yeah hold that thought we’ll let you know in a few months :^)

Also they didn’t have to blackball Fighting EX Layer :^(

Who was it that asked me about the SF5 general having awful hot takes?

Yeah, add this to the list.


I freaking loved SFEX and SFEX2.
They were a lot of fun to play.
SPDing people in 3D felt so right.


All Mortal Kombat games are as bad as MK4 though. :thinking:

Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance is a better game than SFV tbh


700,000 is shockingly low.

I think Ultra Diamond is the most skewed since the points distribution is lopsided even when you face a Diamond player (i.e. you only gain like 25 or 35 LP per win and lose over 100 LP per loss, but it’s not like that in any other league when you face someone exactly 2 leagues below… so it’s harder to climb when you get matched up vs a lot of Diamond players). Milestones feel the worst for me when I really want it and things just aren’t going my way briefly (because then I’ll get tilted and dip even lower). But once I finally pass the milestone, it doesn’t seem that hard to get it again if I get knocked down because I don’t care as much/less stress to achieve it.

If people could tap into that state more freely while still playing smart, their results would go way up imo. I kind of feel this way when it come to tournaments as well: Once you’ve finally done something once (survived going 0-2 -> placing high or winning in a local -> making it out of pools at a major -> getting top 16 > getting top 8 etc.), the mental block goes away and doing it again doesn’t seem so difficult.



questioning Trife posts


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Why is MK4 specifically bad? Had plenty of fun in it: it was still 2D with a command for sidesteps and introduce d weapons and throwable items. It also expanded the lore with Shinnok and the Netherealm characters.

Yeah it marked the end of real actors but that was bound to happen.

MK4 was awesome!

…yeah I admit, it was my first FG ever.

Omg, the music was GENIUS.

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MK4 has a lot of shitty memes associated with it due to the garbage voice acting and editing of the endings. Worse than it usually was for that time.

I remember seeing it for the first time and going “hmmm this looks ok but tacky compared to other 2d fighters”. Felt the same once i played it also and felt the cast was kinda goofy. Only thing i legitimately liked about MKX was trolling with the weapons. Otherwise it was a gsme you played to laugh before you popped back in Tekken 3 or Alpha 2. It was its own shittyness before the deadly alliance 3d era that was god awful

Pertho check this pls


There’s a SFV:AE x Puzzle and Dragons collaboration game, and will be available the day after EVO Japan, in case anyone is interested:


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Is it me or is the SFV netcode kinda atrocious recently ?


Been the same for me on pc. Other than having to blacklist one or 2 people a session its solid for me.

Either it got worse, or more Brazilians are using wifi here.
I would bet on the latter rather than the former, though.
30 people blacklisted in the last two weeks and counting.