SFV Lounge: Lupe please comeback! DevilJin moving to Mortal Kombat 11

Can’t wait to hear all the back tracking from the white knights.

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got all your hibox needs and then some.


Still don’t believe he did absolutely nothing, but it’s obvious she had a real plot going on and wasn’t just pressing charges purely in self defense. Both called police at the same time so one or both was plotting. Even if 100 percent angel innocent still didn’t know this woman well enough before settling her down in his earnings.

Either way FGC always still guilty until innocent for me. That’s just the way FGC dudes be. Kuroda double downed on trouble so he’s keeping the trend going.


Kuroda is a whole new and creepy can of worms. Bleh. His Q was the first thing I saw in Third Strike and what made me interested in the game

Kuroda is the way he is because he played Q


You wound me.

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You mean this? Was bobbing my head to the custom combo!!! FINEST KO!!!


and SFV doesn’t need custom combo. it wasn’t designed with those ideas. IMHO.

New CA or new special moves will be better.

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CCs might bring new life to SF. I never played SFV once in my life…

It got characters already that was designed specifically with CC.

After 9pm. Tell kids story’s , talk to Mrs about her day, cuddle her to bed.

…Crack bottle of bourbon, boom it’s SF time. Stay up til 2am, feel shit next day.

My life. Every home day.


Dimes finest post to date.

100000 fight money.

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Still waiting on you to accept my friend request on steam.

I washed my butt clean since last Saturday waiting for you to penetrate me hard.

Oh really? I thought I did that! Lol, I don’t even know how steam works anymore! I gota go back to work now for 8 days.

Sho-Sho-Sho-Sho-Sho-Sho-Sho-Sho-Sho-Sho-Sho-Sho-Sho-Sho-Sho-Sho-Sho-Sho… K.O -uken!


Nash would suck even harder. no thanks.

here’s the allegations vs the facts

things seem blown way out of reality on social media, and they’re making it more than it actually was.


Lol that Bison CC video reset my phone browser. Painting fences too stronk

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New CA’s wouldn’t give nothing more than something new visually, isn’t like SF4 where you have a comboable Ultra + another one to beat zoning or AA. That would lead to the same actually VT situation where one of them become useless. In that sense I will prefer new V-Skills and new V-Reversals if improving the actual ones isn’t possible.


Panda Global infil mixtape dropped?

Somebody link that.

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