SFV Lounge: Lupe please comeback! DevilJin moving to Mortal Kombat 11

As long as they AFK with

I’m ok with it.


Even then it’s still basically taking the FM you earned and throwing it into a chance to win something. Which means your money has random value at that point and the basics of gambling. The worst of it leads to BF2 BS. Unless they put out an Ibuki or Falke costume I’m not touching FC. Vegas is more fun.

At least it’s nice that Ono lets us whine.


Any farmer should keep adds on. You’re giving yourself a slight boost to your rate so might as well. They’re the only people that should bother with the ads. Smart farmers map the A/X button to a heavy button so they can earn faster. It’ll cap out likely at a certain point, but it’s more than not turning them on.

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That’s what I figured. Lol ads are only worth it to afk’ers

gg Capcom

They’re going to start selling FM booster packs that you will have to buy using…FM


Fun bit of history: At the beginning of 2011, there was a big mainstream news outcry over exploitative free-to-play mobile games that targeted children. One particular free-to-play game triggered this whole outcry, a game that at one point was the highest grossing game on the App store. The public outcry and general bad press reached a point that allegedly Apple had to step in and have a private conversation with the responsible company about certain grievances.

The offending game was Smurfs’ Village. Ire was drawn when parents started finding that their kids had been racking up credit card bills measuring in the hundreds and even thousands of dollars due to buying Smurfberries, which could conveniently be bought in bundles of up to $100.

The company was Capcom.

Basically, what EA was this year with loot boxes, Capcom was seven years ago with child-exploiting manipulative f2p macrotransactions.


I googled Sexy Smurf to make a joke…I’ve made a grave mistake by doing so

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There are 5 extra fortune tickets to be gotten this week, starting with Sakura in her whore costume.
It will be available till tomorrow.

Unless Capcom starts letting people buy FM with real money, they are going avoid scrutiny. Kids getting hold of their parents credit cards amd running up charges is what put the practice on mainstream media’s radar. Once that happened it was only a matter of time until lootboxes got into crosshairs of politicians.

Capitalism is evil.
We should eat all the corporate execs

True, it’s just you’re still gambling your time on something and generally makes it a waste that you’re wasting the time you already wasted. If not being able to buy FM is what kept people from shitstorming too hard then I guess that’s cool, but yeah.

The ugly detail is that since you can actually buy some paid DLC with Fight Money, Fight Money does have a degree of monetary value. Heck, that is the whole reason Capcom is so restrictive about Fight Money in the first place. They want to limit how many people buy stuff like new characters with Fight Money instead of real money.

This whole situation is making me sad more than anything. Like what is going on over a CC HQ?

It’s always one step forward two steps back.

Feels like the guillotine just came down on me. Ouch. This is seriously in danger of driving fans away.

I’m not going to be at Capcom Cup, but I think Ono is going to be there all excited about their next announcement, and I’m not an activist but if I were I’d rally up the entire room to chant something about respect, just as he’s finished declaring he has an announcement and just before making said announcement, y’know, like the loading screens.

I’m not sure the FGC or the gaming world in general is ready and mature enough to protest against something in a meaningful way. It’d just be over-the-top, embarrassing and make everyone in the room look like spoiled children.

Case in point: mobile Diablo.


I mean it’s just a vote with your wallet thing. But gamers, probably myself included, suck at that.


When they cry about you being an old man but you dont have to watch Cup O Noodles ad before ST games.


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what’s wrong about people at BlizzCon asking if the mobile Diablo was some kind of Joke?


Ain’t that some shiiit… :confused: :pensive: :confounded: