SFV Lounge: Lupe please comeback! DevilJin moving to Mortal Kombat 11

It just keeps getting worse for us old farts

I can’t do this anymore.


Omg that can’t be unseen!!! Kill it with fire!!!

On a lighter note, the new training stage music is excellent.

Remember when Will Smith had to put down his dog in I am Legend.

That was me with my Sonic and Knuckles/Sonic 3 cartridge in my kitchen a hour ago.

Here’s my hot take. If we get more ad related outfits that are tasteful like the RedBull ones then I have no issues with shilling Allstate on my Kolin battle outfit. But the issue is that these “ad” costumes look like shit. I will go to bat for Capcom even when they do mad dumb shit and I’m glad that they at least had enough of a clairvoyant mind to give us an off option. But if Capcom wants the F2P whale audience, they are gonna have to tighten it up with the presentation.

Another thing that I feel is that Capcom should lean on characters like Cammy in the esports world. We live in a time where more women are fighting to dress like her than bashing women who do so I don’t get why Capcom trying to hide Cammy. Especially since her RedBull outfit was her battle costume which is just as Cammy as her default.

Splash screens, half assed logos slapped onto existing costumes, giving us less than pocket change for it being on.

The old redbull codes were cool, they added new colours and some looked dope. This is some shameless shit though.


I agree for the most part when I had the ads enabled and hit up training mode I had a hardy chuckle from seeing the bundle ad pop up. In my honest opinion if this is the bed Capcom is willing to make and lie in, then they need to adjust this shit. SF6 is looking more F2P (I don’t have a huuuuuge issue with this) by the minute. Capcom really likes being the laughing stock of the game world.

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I dunno. Lootboxes already came like a couple months ago but dressed up as Fighting Chance with waifu Menat. That seemed to go over better than ads you can turn off. I guess defaulting the adds to being on is enough for a complaint on social media, but yeah this gets blown over after like a week or 2 just like the lootboxes that never got complained about enough. Why there was any less of a fire shitstorm over the lootboxes someone has to tell me (you know only the thing that single handedly crumbled EA’s SW BF2). Maybe if the ads were presented by Gloria Laura that would go better.

By next week there will be Fang and Alex nerfs to complain about.

body is ready for Cody buffs and my pocket Mak


Greedy. They’re trying to figure out how to EA/Activision the shit out of us. They’re way behind the curve apparently

Give me those Falke buffs and Gief nerfs with a very situational buff.


That’s the thing with the ads for me. The FM payout is fucking paltry, which tracks with how skittish Capcom has been about giving out FM post S1 or so but still sucks.

That would be one thing but the actual implementation of the character based ads is super ugly. The logos slapped on are one thing but when you do shit like throw a shitty circa 2000 create-a-wrestler belt on Urien.

Like its one thing to roll out a shill-out option. Hell I’m not necessarily above that. But doing it in such a shitty haphazard way makes it ring much worse.

Trying to ignore all this stupid shit so I can get my 40 Ranked wins and watch the CPT this weekend.


Fighting Chance does not use real money and it isn’t tied to games progression system.

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Deviljin did all of this. Told you he was a spy.


I think it’s fairly obvious that the ads we have now are just the testing grounds for something bigger in the future.And I say bigger as something bad not good for the gaming world.

Think about it logically. If I am a person that’s interested in purchasing DLC I don’t need tips on the loading to tell me what’s up.Chances are high that I already know what’s coming and where to buy it.

An ingame store is more then enough.

I think in the future they will have events sponsored by let’s say Razer, and during the event itself Razer ads will be played ingame,as the company itself will condition Capcom on this.

I’m just gonna wait for adblocker for SF5/6 I guess.


The stage and loading screen ads happen with replays too, but they don’t pay out.

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all of Capcoms other stuff looks good, SF gets the shortest stick possible though.


Yeah, I think your dead on. I agree with what Vesper said. The game needs a good hub. A place where they put ads and more importantly give us access to the data from the CFN site. If there is a major tournament going on the game should not only tell you about, it should give you the ability to go to stream from in game.

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Not only that, what if we could stream a major tournament WHILE we’re in a match. So I can fight my opponent while I watch my favorite player fight his opponent. It would be like a double date!

Edit: Even a better idea, I could pay 2 hire top players in-game to train me in-game. Imagine being in training mode next to the many ads surrounding a small video of Tokido LIVE teaching you how to raging demon! Ok, this is epic.

I wonder, would having ads on increase the FM gain afk’ers get from turbo s.lk?