SFV Lounge: Lupe please comeback! DevilJin moving to Mortal Kombat 11

Long as Viper or Oro make it I’m good. Don’t really want anyone else badly other than them. Unless they do something weird like Maki or Lucia. Top tier Ibuki and soon to be top tier Falke is good enough for me.

But I thought capcom started that trend at EVO.

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They actually took it from KI

Which people hated on hardcore…

KI ahead of its time…

Q. I love G n all, but Q is irreplaceable to me. Sadly I’m beginning to think he’s replaceable to Capcom tho. Ahh well.
Honestly I’m alright with anyone for season 4. I just want them to bring a lot of characters out if the gutter balance wise, but I feel like I hope for that every season.

His parry would be trash and CC’able

His hurricane CC would be CC and the Ex wouldn’t have invincibility until frame 3

His fire ball would be a mirror of sakura

Violent Ken 3D model leaked:


Don’t give up just yet. It’s clear to me that Capcom are paying attention to Q and the addition of G is definitely an advantage for Q in the long haul. G lends himself to Q’s background and further heightens the mysterious nature of the character. If anything, G is a herald for Q’s triumphant return to the series.



It’s kind of stupid that you can only play someone twice in casual. I understand ranked but it defeats the purpose of even having casual mode


Probably the first time we don’t have dlc char that everybody bitches about.
S1 - guile, balrog, urien and ibuki were all despised at some point. That’s 4/6 of the characters in that season.
S2 - Abigail, menat and akuma. 3/6 chars.
S4 - falke and blanka have strong potential. Can g get anymore unga at this point?

It’s even dumber it uses the same filtering system. You should be able to select Silver/Gold/plat/Diamond skill levels or “any level”

Casual is literally ranked without the points.

Late reply, but holy this. At this point I want them nerfed to Z tier just so I don’t have to fight them every other game. Cammy is another one I run into all the time.

Is the custom combo rumour backed by legit sources or has it never been anything beyond X-Kira noise?

To be honest at this point of the game that sounds a lot like Omega mode and we all know how turned out.

I wish Capcom would just buff the bottom half of the roster and leave the top tiers as they are

Yeah think they missed the whole point of it. They could make just a couple changes like there ones you mentioned and it would be 10 times better.
Edit- you can’t really learn a whole lot from 2 sets

“Just buffs, zero nerfs” would be powerful enough of a slogan to sell a season but most developers seem to be too addicted to the nerf button to consider the idea seriously.

On the absense of that, I’m settling for the standard Deletion Protocol on the past top tiers, which was the one thing missing last time.

It’s not even just that. It’s easier to nerf one character than it is to adjust 30 in relation to that character. Using a shitty example, why buff Sak, Ryu, and Ken when you can just nerf Akuma? It’s not the best way to go about it but i understand the reasoning.

Would be hilarious if Capcom trolled everyone by bringing back the silhouettes. And then give us Dan as the December character.


They’re not doing any harsh killing of characters anymore. That was a S1 thing and went against the philosophy they built S1 on. They got a lot of backlash for it so that’s why anyone that’s top now has mostly stayed near top. Laura is probably the last character that got gutted, but the Japanese didn’t even think she was top so went half unnoticed really.

I’m sure it’s hard to balance a game but I can’t even get a read on what they’re trying to do each season. They’ll nerf some top tiers to oblivion and then buff some top tiers. Then they go and nerf some low tiers like wtf are you trying to do? I remember seeing a YouTube comment of someone calling for nerfs on “unfair scrubby” characters and he had fang and Vega listed lol.