SFV Lounge: Lupe please comeback! DevilJin moving to Mortal Kombat 11

Yeah that ain’t Quan Chi. Maybe she is an Elder God.


the timelines converge in XI, so it’s presumably an elder god fucking with the timelines

hence the hourglass


Driving into to work today, I was craving some more MK11 news and watched a reaction video with Maximillion (I’m sorry EC) and they were speculating if Time Travel is part of the story, I guess mainly due to this character/image. It’s also interesting that when Scorpion comes back in his spectre mode to kill Raiden, he’s wearing his UMK3 outfit.

All speculative stuff, but I’m excited to see gameplay footage of it.

That’s why the Dan “leak” is almost impossible. Niggas don’t wanna spend fight money 6 bucks for derp auto bad shoto.

I would say that’s most obviously a lady, but it’s 2018 and Kung Jin might be the start of them trying to greenlight a trans lol.


just gotta make more of a point of Sagat and how him having a st.hk hitting on crouchers wouldn’t be busted

just played a Ken, I had zero options as soon as Ken got within that midrange. I press st.mk, free CC opportunity if we trade pokes - defecit. Ken st.mk confirmable, better walkspeed, better dash to turn midrange into pressure.

No idea how Highland thinks st.hk hitting crouch would be busted. It would make him on par with others but still shit.

I’ll take Capcom fanboyism over whatever the fuck it is you’re into anyday.


So an interesting discussion popped up on discord today, thought I might bring it here:

What do you think is your biggest weakness as a player overall? Would be interesting to hear.

Huh… it will be easier to summarize my answer to that question as “everything”.

Dealing with up-close pressure (especially on my wakeup).

Impatience, especially when I’m tired. I can’t stand people who tried to run away first whatever the opponent is and I lost my temper too often. I’m slowly force myself to push the opponents in the corner and kill them there, but in general I’m still not totally used to these new gen stages, they’re too long.

I’m overthinking in many scenarios rather the just “doing it”.
I lose to yolo play.

Ah. I watched the trailer on a small ass screen saw a bald character and automatically thought Quan Chi. Consider me corrected.

Pick it up you coward

So I can teach you how amazing Smash really is

Can’t adapt, bad at anti-airing and poor decision making

Probably you wouldn’t say this if Juri wasn’t already in the game. It’s hard to make perfect balanced characters, you know.

My biggest weakness is that I’m very, very dependent on controlling the pace of the game. I either need my opponent to play in a way I think “makes sense”, or I need to be able to condition/frustrate people into playing that way without taking big risks.

Needless to say, this works better in games that aren’t SFV :<

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I’m actually very hyped about Makoto coming to SFV, it’s just that the cast is already so big and I’m not sure of how she would come out
I actually love and hate SFV Juri, I don’t want to see the same happening with Makoto :tired_face:

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Mak would fit cause she always been a little unga, but I said Cody would fit perfectly and they fucked that up somehow so


She’ll have an 11 frame dash. Her standing roundhouse will CC spinning so you can dissuade people from defending against dashes and already has a command grab that leads to a combo which keep people standing and leaves you at +2.

Pretty fucking sure she’ll manage.


remember how Juri played in IV?

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