SFV Lounge: Lupe please comeback! DevilJin moving to Mortal Kombat 11

Saying Makoto is “a little” unga is like saying getting mauled by a tiger might be a little detrimental to your physical wellbeing.


Makoto isn’t really unga, just hilariously dangerous. She isn’t going around doing w/e the fuck she wants 24/7 like some characters can. She also can’t really go around doing reckless shit because she has 2 specials and one of them is negative as fuck.

You know, just don’t let her command grab you is all. Even at her worse in USF4, she making you eat mix ups but she wasn’t being inordinately safe like S2 Urien and Rog were or AE Yun.

But yeah, don’t let her grab you in the special place.


Makoto stunned you in one combo and killed you with one reset in SF4.

Had unreactable full screen dash punch, a command grab and rekt you in the corner.

She will bring a lot of salt to people if she is anything similar,especially with the way SFV is designed.


I think my biggest weakness is being forceful when it’s totally unnecessary. Sometimes I need to fully understand that being patient isn’t a bad thing. Things tend to be better when I sit back, assess what’s actually taking place, and adjusting in accordance to the match. The problem is this calm, cool, collected approach isn’t always available (frustration can lock it out), so I’m working towards making it more accessible in general.

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My worst thing is still my fireball game, I throw fireballs after blocking them for some reason. It’s been a natural tick of mine for ages.


If you want to feel better for that habit, look up Daigo playing SFIV against Maeda Taison. Taison blows up Daigo for the exact same tick.

I prefer to deal with the changes rather than going mad thinking about how her SFV version would be. It’s a risk, but at least I would have the choice of keep playing her or not.

Yeah, she will never have free tickets to get in, you have to earn being close, that’s the part I live the most with her. You need to have balls made of steel to play Makoto, no safe shit here.

She’s a SFV character since '99. I need to collect hatemails again.

Same boat my brotha.


Daigo always been hard headed to the point of idiocy sometimes

I just do it habitually, without realising hey I’m actually minus here maybe don’t eat that jump-in.

I’m way too timid. Which leads to me doing shit like walking myself into the corner, not pressing the advantage when I have it, not taking the initiative in neutral, and not making ballsy plays. Bonus is that if I do nut up it doesn’t take much to get me to go back into timid mode.

Maybe someday. :wink: Hopefully Joker is Bayo Smash 4 tier.

My next game effort is going to be fumbling with Tekken 7, which should be a sight.

Leaks talked about the first female final boss in MK history, so yup.

When on the defense, I take too much time to react to an opponent’s offense and when I finally figure out his patterns do I’m already at 200 life or less.

SFV specific, I throw tech very little and rely too much on 3f jab to bail me out, so when picking slower characters with less defensive options when close like G or Menat a beating ensues.

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The floods have opened with the new smash.

I can’t wait for evo numbers for Smash to body the shit out of SF and then for a massive campaign asking it to be the last game on sunday happens.

Then everybody will have to sit on their hands put a smile on their face and say that its a “fighting game”.

Will be great.

Yeah I don’t get how people are sugar coating Makoto. It sounds like they’re trying to explain post AE Makoto and like 3S Makoto didn’t exist.

3S Makoto especially with parry forced a lot of situations where you could get punished from like full screen for shit that’s normally safe to do vs most of the other cast. Her dash was hella stupid and especially with the stun and meter system in that game you didn’t get many chances vs her especially if you had low heath and stun.

Post AE Makoto was more normalized, but was another character that could hit you with stuff that raped your health and stun on hit and forced you to jump unnecessarily. Like a less volatile version of Fuerte.

Whether they “screw her up” or not is going to be up to interpretation for former Makoto mains, but as long as she has a hard to react to long dash and some solid CC buttons that’s pretty much almost Makoto right there. Other than some button not being long enough (probably c.MK) it’ll be hard for it to not be her since she was the first SFV character and the game already has Laura and Bison as it is. Cody is still character that frame traps, swings around heavies, has fireballish fireball and has psuedo reversal move despite his new stuff.

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You’re an interesting guy.

If Smash gets moved to be the last game of EVO, that will be great.
I will get to watch SFV finals at a reasonable time!


I’m sorry to be so NRS focussed today, but this tweet from a senior artist at NRS is interesting.


After last year’s stalling debacle Wiz would really have to show some colors to make Smash the final Evo game. They likely got at least one year of timeout regardless.

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My biggest weakness is probably leaving damage on the table by missing confirms. Also dealing with corner pressure. It all ties into the main problem of panicking during intense situations playing right into the opponents gameplan.


Smash players cried and complained to get to evo.

Then cried and complained to get back.

Then cried and complained to be on sunday for one of their games.

Then cried and complained to switch the games on sunday.

Then cried and complained the last year one of their games was at Evo during the finals:

The smash players cried and complained about the finals mirror. The people in the finals cried and complained while playing it.

So given all that, what can you reasonably expect to happen?