SFV Lounge: Lupe please comeback! DevilJin moving to Mortal Kombat 11

Just look at what warner bros action movies are coming out in the 1~2 years after mk11 releases. Most of the dlc guests will come from there

Only MK guest I would care for is a KI character. Only other one I cared for is Predator and I don’t think I even played him more than a few minutes.

Anything else is just typical Mugen levels of sell out that I don’t care for. When’s Dark Donald?


Yea by the time they start throwing in GI joes and transformers and shit i usually stop paying attention

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Bumblebee is getting his own movie for god knows what reason so anything is possible. These solar system levels of semi prequel sequels for individual characters and past rogue squadrons that can branch forever with fiction movies is really lame. I kiiinnnda undestand it with stuff like Marvel/DC/StarWars but with Transformers? Just not worth it.


a wild peter rosas got sighted, maybe he will announce…ah to late.

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Sonicfox: “Ummmmm…”

Yeah, that’s all I got too Sonicfox.

He triggered so many people. Lol. Good for him


Your delusional fanboy shtick is really old at this point


Nah Capcom has prove they aren’t just generic guys like they were before. they failed the expectations of many in SFV vanilla yet after the arcade version with arcade mode things were different and interesting along with those non- silhouette reveals that were all great. They redeemed themselves.

The way I see it I don’t wanna deal with the problems that the other companies have for the most part so I’m fine with the problems I got. The other companies have their stupid day one shenanigans and day one 6F of lag also. Good with what I know and my characters staying at or slowly becoming top tier. Only non Capcom game I’ll bother spending time with at this point is Samurai Shodown and DOA6. SNK always deserves a bit of time and DOA would be good to go back to.


Now SS has a mystery for having no videos and screen shots at all. The other game I would care about other than another Mahvel or a Capcom crossover.

The main reason I’m defaulting to giving it time is unless something crazy happens it should be old school 2d fighter where you just walk/run along the ground and hit buttons. Obviously some crazy SSV/max mode meter system might roll in there, but good chance of it being basic enough for my tastes. Marvel is the only anime I really care for and everything else 2d rolls into some type of anime or heavy combo chaining.

Plus Samurai Shodown is near KI levels of length for last relevant 2d game.

Not expecting anything from the netcode, but if it’s like KOF14’s should be occasionally playable.


I’d take 3 interesting, well thought and full fledged characters over season 3 anytime, maybe with some qol changes like a better netcode or a region filter.
Honestly I’m not even sure about wanting new characters, the roster is big enough and there are a lot of characters in need of some love.

Disagree. The fodder is usually what comes first by default. Evil Ryu, Honda and a trash tier grappler are almost guaranteed for season 4 so 8 characters is the best way to ensure there is enough good stuff.

Also, the DLC modes helps to keep some quality on each one. They can’t release a Decapre and force it through Super SF5: each one needs to be worth it’s money (or at least enough of them).


because it change the meta and brings new feel of ambiguity throughout the game.

and more importantly it bring casuals to purchase DLC for seeing their fan favorites that they were accustomed playing with before, I’m not just because they are fun to used, or they felt strong with those characters but some do see it as they reflect their personal life view.

Woke up and saw the news.

MK11 trailer was well made but NRS trailers for awhile now have all been pretty damn polished. Waiting to see actual gameplay. I have wanted to give an NRS game a legit shot for a bit but couldn’t do it with Injustice 2 (that franchise is super not for me). Might do it with MK11 depending on what they do with the mechanics.

Joker in Smash is fucking rad. Almost enough to get me to pick it up. @Akhos @Evil_Canadian Good luck out in smasherville.


What I mean is that I’d rather have a game without terrible characters like E.Ryu or bad grapplers in the first place.
I’d rather fix my shit than add more only to have to fix that too later, and besides we can always make some room by removing Sakura

The fourth character I believe was Quan Chi.

I’m actually super hype for the Bumblebee movie. I’m a huge fan of Transformers from when I was a kid but the Michael Bay movies haven’t only been garbage but shat all over the franchise’s canon and characters.

This movie may likely be trash as well, but Michael Bay is not behind it, and the character designs closely match the original G1 characters. Bumblebee is actually a Bug again, Prime looks like how he should, and Starscream is actually a white, red, and blue jet instead of whatever triangle looking atrocity he was in the previous movies… and it has classic Soundwave in it too.

I’m excited as hell. I just hope they focus more on the robots themselves (less humans) and stay somewhat true to the cannon (Bumblebee landing on earth before everyone else is already against it, but that’s fine, this isn’t a retcon of the series, but I hope they don’t go too much further away than that).


That one?

Looks rather feminine to be honest.