SFV Lounge: Lupe please comeback! DevilJin moving to Mortal Kombat 11

There is literally no reason to keep bringing on X-Kira’s name. Putting faith in to Capcom, I won’t oppress you with shame, but X-Kira over and over again? Have some damn dignity!!!

Not like you have all that much dignity if you put faith in Capcom either


Everyone knows the true leaker god was Lupinko. All else are false idols


Nay. He is just an attention whore imbecile.


Rude! Akhos RUDE

Also fuck it, I’m buying Evil Ryu when I come back from the store. Can’t believe this shit. Do you know how hard it is to get 50,000 FM. FUCK

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Yeah his tatsus are all followabke by L and ex DP.

His vskill transform in vt1 looks really good. I haven’t played with it yet because yesterday was all vt2 for me. But I’m going to be trying out vt1 today and seeing how it goes.

It really does seem like he’s got 2 v triggers though. Vt1 is better for neutral, vt2 is the cheesy comeback v trigger.

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Remember that Dan is actually the real Shoto OG but Gouken said Dan was filled with too much rage. Whic means Gouken saw the Demon peaking out or the potential. Dan being Dan, he said fuck y’all and left…so who knows what Dan took with him when he left that dojo…nobody really KNOWS what Dan is capable of…

Dan for SFV.

Lol, this may not be a surprise to any one of you, especially @GetTheTables, but I like this little dude.

I don’t what the F they were thinking with those horns though.

After watching Phantom_Miria’s video…

Obviously Kage is a last second reskin of Dan. That’s why Capcom is changing things for Season 4, they are fighting leakers by creating brand new identities for already existing characters. That takes time, and they can’t show off the new designs, even in silhouette form. Stay tuned for not-C.Viper, Gouken-with-a-broken-arm, Katana, one-of-Dhalsim’s-Yoga-squad, and Zangief’s bear.

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I would legit play zangiefs bear. Been putting paws on th3 big Russian since day 1.

Broke arm gouken sounds legit as well, beat up scrubs then get grumpy and tell em to get off my lawn.

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why dont you guys just create alt accounts to test such chars out?

I have no idea from a tier list perspective, but the buffs directly boost the things i already like to do. I been squeezing neutral out of this guy for 3 years. Now its actually a good idea.

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That’d be too retarded even for Capcom. Kage is probably just the modern version of Evil Ryu that Capcom wanted to include for some time, and they decided to repurpose some of Dan’s moves to make Kage look more unique compared to Ryu.

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For as much as I don’t like the specific concept I actually really like the way they implemented Kage.

He’s really clumsy in ways that harken back to Dan but also convey that he is just so fucking full of edgelord that he can’t really karate good anymore. I find it odd endearing.

Also the Kage army is out in force. And currently super free. :japanese_ogre:


She really does not. She might be able to apply more pressure now but it’s not even close to what Juri could do in SFIV. Not to mention that her entire gameplan and moveset is different.

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Say what yall want about kage’s design

But his alts are pretty sick. They look straight out of old school japanese art depictions of demons n shit.

I dig em


Is he top tier tho

Kage is awesome. His animations are fucking sick. Don’t care what anyone says. He hits you with his tatsu while not even looking at you. I like everything about this characrer especially since his design harkens back to a yatagarasu character I always liked.

image http://wiki.shoryuken.com/images/d/d1/Juzu_Parry.png


I like Kage too. His moveset is dope. I don’t get all the hate.


story costume is the same as he had in usf4 other one has the vibe of the horror pack costumes.