SFV Lounge: Lupe please comeback! DevilJin moving to Mortal Kombat 11

Swamp thing and grodd were my mains and they are the reasons I eventually dropped Inj2, cause it just hurt too much to keep going cause they were the 2 worst characters in the game :frowning:

I don’t know game copy sales, but boon always puts out there on twitter who sells the most for dlc

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S3 characters are all fun to play AND fight against, IMO. Even Blanka isn’t as annoying as he is in past SF’s. I think S3 was a success, just need those buffs for S4 to see these characters in the limelight.


possibly. i think i see a little more jumping here in NA, but the characters are designed in such a way that to play them at their highest ability looks mostly the same everywhere.

I’m honestly waiting for Season V so we can wrap this shit up and bring on RS or DS to the lime light.

You’ll know if it’s the last season if the next one is all omega mode custom combo shit.

I don’t think they will do that though, not with the arcade version just coming out.

That’s why I’m hesitant on making any videos. You make a tutorial that gets voided into oblivion with the patch.


just fucking do it. Worst case scenario the patch changes something then you can remake the video with the patch in mind and double dip on those sweet clicks ehehhahHHAHAHHA



Will can hold that.


And I am #2. :frowning:
I need to stop being so bad at this.

I believe I have found the way to do it, now I need to train my mental fortitude to keep playing that SLOW, DRAGGED down way to bore my opponents and cause them to make bad mistakes.
For the first hour or so of my ranked run tonight, I managed to keep that going. Then I got tired and old vices started to show up.
But yay, progress.


Not sure if joking but Harada has like Guantanamo bay level security when it comes to DLC characters. If someone “leaks” anything in Tekken it’s 99% BS.

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It’s the shades. You can’t take info from someone who wears shades that well.


It was a serious question. I guess he’s leak god proof. Gotta have security clearance and badge to get any pieces of info

This is the successor to 3S then. Everyone is a dash happy semi grappler

I should probably start watching this show

except 3S is fun and has way better hitboxes, so i hope SFV isn’t its successor.

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Probably the closest overall. Emphasis on one hit confirms, button whiffing and not a lot of regular hit links.

'Cause @GetTheTables asked, some of our matches from that 4 hour session

Oh critiquing gods @DevilJin_01 and @Frost, do thy thing, teach him the art of not getting cornered by Ken

Or whatever it is you do


yeah i can see that but one hit confirms were harder and more impressive in 3S. button whiffing in this game isn’t to build meter but to bait dashes and jumps.

there are similarities but for some reason i just don’t really enjoy SFV like i do 3S.


Mileena is coming back!


Damn I figured you would have watched the Gorilla City episodes at least. Season 3, Episode 13 and 14, just in case you wanted to know. For TV, the CGI wasn’t too bad.

I dunno I think most of the one hit confirms in V are actually harder. Stuff like Alex close smk and chun bhp are easier than some of the stuff in this game. You gotta be on point with stuff like Ken c.mk CA or Chun s.hp CA

Yeah button whiffing have bit different roles but both games entail it pretty heavily