SFV Lounge: Lupe please comeback! DevilJin moving to Mortal Kombat 11

Do forward dashes cancel into each other?

Umm why does Kage Ex Fireball crumple?

Like…wtf is that is that shit!?

That’s dope shit son. Zeku gets it off of ex palm.

And kages ex fireball is super slow startup and no range.

Omg you can’t back rise off his vt2 srk…

Welp buckle up for the new edgelord army. Smh

Kage looks like a midget in game.

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I don’t think the v meter thing matters. They keep trying to find ways for her v skill to be effective at building meter but it’s pointless. 99% of the time v meter is built by getting that ass beat anyway, and besides a few characters (Ibuki, Necalli) etc that holds true for most of the cast. V meter building is the least of her problems.

Short summary of Capcom Cup 2018’s exhibitions and reveals:

(r/kappa is still occasionally funny from time to time)


I mean yeah but making it worse when it was already bad is just…why? I liked using VS into stomps whenever possible because it built an ok amount of meter. Now it just looks cool ig.


It’s got Dan Gadoken range

I await the hitboxes, send em me on Steam if you get finished!

In other news, Cody change effects -
cr.mp > VT2 command grab is now a tick throw cause of it’s pushback reduction :^)
you can throw OS jumps with upward pipe swing in VT2 for the max damage pipe combo
cr.hp in VT2 got a speed buff so st.mk CH into cr.hp VT2 is now possible
the cr.mp pushback reduction fixed cr.mp > st.mp combo inconsistencies for counter-hits
cr.mk meaties now have an actual purpose because it’s +1, huge buff

Only thing I’d ever want changed now is Tornado Shot being 47f total, outside of that Cody is perfect in pretty much ever area as long as we pretend VT1 doesn’t exist.


Cammy’s cr.LP has been deleted from the game. Corner pressure in general is pretty ass. I was pretty much expecting this after the previous season.

With that being said, I’m still going to play her. I just gotta utilize her differently now.


Isn’t it HCB and not QCB for kage’s red fireball?

After playing against a couple of Kages I think I can safely say that this is IMO the worst visual design of any SF character to date. I mean Rufus looked like crap as well but he was deliberately goofy. Kage on the other hand is supposed to be cool but all I see is an unoriginal 12 year olds fantasy who spends too much time browsing Deviantart. It’s just awful all around.


“I’m your blonde waifu now!”


That meme captures it all.


Yeah bro.


That Cr.Mp is sounding hella abusable.
Could you get any follow ups off his other Tatsus? And what do you think of his VS transformation in VT?

Yeah, my work place is a joke. My team leader disappeared over an hour ago and hasn’t returned. :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

Absolute brilliant. :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

He definitely got the deviantart look, yeah.

But hey, let’s looks at the facts here: this is F.A.N.G’s trailer and this is Kage’s trailer, and you can see from the like/dislike ratio that the majority of people clearly enjoy yet another uninspired evil shoto over an actual original design with original moveset and personality.

The true tragedy here is that, while the core SF fanbase may hate Evil shotos to the bone, there’s a lot of people who love that shit, and Capcom knows that too.

In fact, I think even Kolin’s trailer got a slightly worse ratio compared to Kage.