SFV Lounge: Lupe please comeback! DevilJin moving to Mortal Kombat 11

Well st.mp -> cr.hp -> Low shot -> St.mk xx Ex Katapult -> Schneide works in the corner and does 330 damage you get 374 with a jump-in. I bet you could do even more with VT2 Stocked.

Playing Anime, also made me realize again that I like big buttons and Falke got big buttons.

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His evil Ryu SF4 without the projectile game not bad.

No nerfs to Cody’s VT2?
I was hoping that they will buff him in other places and nerf VT2. I hate having command grabs and would not like to use a character where winning comes down to landing a grab or not.

They can’t give him that Shoto fireball, overwise he’d invalidate Ryu and Ken. Who, for the most part aren’t seen at the highest level. QCB fireball while slower, recovery’s quite quickly for a multi hitting fireball. That crumple 50/50 into VT1 will cause so much salt. People don’t know how to punish EX DP into VT1 Teleport, but the tactfact that he has it alone is bonkers. That’s the closest to an FADC we’ll ever see. A crumple EX Fireball has never been seen before. And correct me if I’m wrong, that’s a one hit confirm off Cr.Mk or Cr.Mp, St.Hp XX EX Hadoken (VT1 Activate) into 50/50 throw, meaty or shimmy. He’s gonna be an issue at high level play.

Edit: wrong VT

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Well his fadc is vt1…

I’m still not sure which VT is better. VT1 is easier to get and give the fadc and the neutral bypass v skill… and that means ALOT.

but vt2 gives him demon and 2 no backrise knockdowns off any confirm, plus more damage in the confirm itself. Vt2 is exceptionally strong, like rigged strong. But it’s a tech heavy v trigger and Kages low health with it being 3 bar is another issue. I’m absolutely unsure of which is better but it’s obvious that vt1 is the easy early standout.

One other thing about him, he seem to get kept out by fireballers, while not being able to keepaway the command grabbers so that doesn’t put him in a good spot matchup spread wise. He seems like he will definitely rely on being tech heavy because his neutral looks kinda appalling save for his DP.

The character was already a pain in the ass to fight. Her cc hk + walkspeed + st.lk was reeaally fucking hard to outmaneuver, i was worried about her getting overlbuffed

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Eh… In all fairness I think Juri was in a good spot since Season 3. They tried to make her useless VT2 more viable, so that looks good.

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What do you think of St.Hk and F.Hp as footsie tools vs grapplers? I know it’s early days, but I think he’ll do just fine vs grapplers. I’m just really interested to see his shimmy game. I think his damage off a throw bait is gonna be intense. Scary enough that people will keep on eating throw after throw in fear of getting opened up.

(Regarding my VT confusion) thanks. :slight_smile:

If it makes you feel any better (it probably won’t, I’m pretty bad at that), I didn’t get any more enjoyment out of the game after I got my long-awaited character. Only more disappointment.


To not get a single frame data change on her normals after so much feedback is beyond absurd.

All her changes after one year of feedback have been universal changes that all characters have got.Her VT 2 is flawed by design for a character like Juri,it works for someone who can maintain constant pressure, not for her.

I can’t imagine a single Juri player being excited of what she “got”.

Or have we reached a new low ,as in considering no nerfs a buff ? As if there was anything to actually nerf for Juri that is.

Incredibly disappointing.

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Falke has had surprisingly high damage since release. People just never noticed because they were too busy ignoring her.

This new combo is pretty good but it’s corner specific and needs to start with either a jump-in or a close st.MP so it’s rather situational. Still, being able to link cr.HP after st.MP was one of my most wanted buffs (because frame data already allowed it) so I’m glad she has that now.

I think V2 will end up being the real one for Kage. V1 has high-light reel stuff, but Kage is going to need to keep the pressure rolling, and the raging demon grime.

You know the FGC, people look at character for five minutes and move in. @DevilJin_01 seems to be good at figuring out characters. So I pay attention to his opinion on things.

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Cammy’s nerfs are so bad. Jesus.

Her post throw oki is gone and her crlp tick throw/frame trap is gone.

I just played with one of my friends who use bison. Usually I lose 3-10 to him. On good days I lose 5-10.

Today I lost 0-10 to him in 3 sets straight and he said the threat of Cammy is gone.

He’s ultra Plat/diamond I’m gold-super gold.

The new move gives her more consistent oki off of v-skill regardless by being able to combo into grounded legs. Also if you opt not to go for the grounded legs after the new move, you can go for an ambiguous crossup on quick risers… that’s rare in this game.

You can still get all the stomp juggles if you go for either j. MP or j. HP (or the v-skill followup in the corner which is the most damage off of CC -> v-skill I think) after v-skill, land then stomp. More damage, but I think less v-gauge built from the combos now.

Not really the buff I wanted since she still needs to land a hit to do anything/force any legit guess, but it does open up some more options.

…still waitin’ on that throw.

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Well shoto/ryu st.hk is excellent against standing attacks when in range. Against the grapplers though… most have pretty good crouching attacks like cr.lp for gief and abby and cr.mk for Laura etc.

Fhp is -4 on block. Spaced well it might be ok. Wil have to try it out in the matchups but I’m not expecting much.

Interesting tidbits about him:

  1. V skill and charged V skill are more than likely what his neutral comprises. Like gief with his v skill. His v skill is his furthest ranged and safest move and comes with armor so that’s a kinda no brainer. Only really bad part is the uncharged version is -6 on block, meaning that kage will need to space it so that if he does get punished it’s nothing more than some medium xx special at the very most.
  2. TK fireball allows him to advance over fireballs, v skill also does this, but tk fireball is an interesting option.
  3. Cr.mpx2 xx mk stomp leaves him point blank close enough to throw and with a +2 frame advantage.
    Cr.mpx2 may well be the best medium medium in the game. +3 on block and jails 3 farmers and combos on natural hit. There aren’t many medium mediums that can say all that. And I don’t think there are any that do it into themselves. So that makes his pressure pretty braindead and allows him to easily setup medium> some other shit… type of stuff.
  4. All his normal tatsus do the same damage (50) this is pretty telling because it shows that they are all made to have the same sort of funtionality on hit. The difference is in startup and range, and kage can actually combo from hitting another characters limb like uriens st.mk, into H tatsu. Makes his counter poke game something deadly.

Then all the obvious stuff like hk stomp being plus and moving forward, while mk stomp is -2 but will CH anyone mashing buttons to try and anticipate the hk stomp. All in all a pretty good “mixup” from where I’m standing if not abused to obviously.


Gotta start work in a couple of minutes. But thanks for sharing your insight my bro. :100:

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Just start playing SFV again right in time for abi nerfs XD but I’d be doing horribly any way… the rust is real :frowning: When you stop playing for multiple months this game hurts to lose in lol

Eager to check out the Cody buffs, and whatever Laura has if anything.

They better really have some good characters this season after this Evil Ryu business!

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After the announcements they had last year and what Harada just showed at the TWT finals, this is a big joke tbh.


Yeah i see what you mean. What bugs me is that the combo after with j.m/h.p builds no V-meter. Oki from the H.LL knockdownis a good trade tho.