SFV Lounge: Lupe please comeback! DevilJin moving to Mortal Kombat 11

People are already spreading the fake news theories in SF fb page with his trailer claiming that Capcom need to remove the word “evil” because of esports. wtf.

Anytime they change the name of a character for no reason I assume it’s copy right issues

The thing is that lore wise i don’t think it’s Evil Ryu. I think it’s the SNH manifesting itself as its own “person”. Like Soul Edge giving itself a body.

Gameplay wise yes its obviously E.Ryu


Sak’s got buffs, huh? I’ll take those. Let’s see how wrong this canadian guy is. It all looks pretty good on paper. Not great but definitely good.
And those quad hooters and stiff nipps on stream to compensate for in-game censoring… i’ll take them too.


If Max is hyped for something SFV, it’s usually shit.


Lol seems they nerfed Chun’s VS juggles just so this new move wouldn’t be useless lmaooo

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Aye , like usual the buffs appear to sound better on paper than actual application. I thought sagats slow shot would be better, but it’s honestly really similar , i tested both in my editing program.

Basically Sagats list should just read - st.jab hits crouchers , HP Dp can AA… And thats about it.

Can’t see him getting much stronger and there’s no way Bonchan will pick him unless he’s set on maining him anyway.

Bison, Rashid, Dhalsim, Rog, Ibuki, none of those really got better.

He can fight guile now I suppose.


I don’t know why they keep trying to “buff” Chun’s v skill. It’s fucking worthless. And I know it is early, but I don’t like her new “improved” v trigger combos. Much preferred the old ways. The new ones are a little bit trickier.

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It’s the same thing with her new VS juggles. Her first trial has you do late j.mp between VS and stomps, so it’s “the same”, but it’s harder and more spacing dependant for no reason…

I’m a bit late to the party, excuse me for taking so long to reply to your post, but here goes:

Fuck off, nobody wanted another shoto knock-off.


Kage TK fireball is interesting. I’d really recommend anyone thinking of playing him to try it out. 5 frames of recovery and counter fireballs go underneath him. Plus, if your opponent jumps, it’s a free DP Everytime. Building EX with him is keep. EX Hadoken causing a crumple is bonkers. I know he will be a real set play character in time.

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I’m satisfied with Sakura changes. I don’t care bout sweep being faster since cr. Mk sped up. Better oki m. Srk, faster plasma(holy fuck thank you) and vt1 looking hella stronk.

Honestly other than speeding up cr. Hp and making b. Hp -4 there isn’t much else Sakura needs right now. Top tier nerfs as well and Sakura is definitely mid tier, maybe even mid high depending on how good vt1 turns out.

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You guys already know these changes arent final. Have some patience


I can hope. :pensive:

I’m pretty sure he’s used that excuse before, to explain the previous “delays” to his announced releases of stuff like a second cinematic story.

I really don’t think they do.

There is also the factor that they’ve pigeonholed various characters into certain ideas of how they’ll play, and aren’t particularly willing to budge from that idea even when they either fail to realize it or it just doesn’t work as well as they imagined. We’ve seen in previous balance patches where they’d nerf something because it didn’t fit how they wanted people to play a character. Of course some characters benefit more than others in this regard.

Though I think it is more that those characters just don’t have champions on the dev team pushing for them. Abigail has a lot of enemies, Cammy draws a lot of attention, Capcom probably aimed at making Evil Ryu overpowered, etc. But storywise, F.A.N.G was treated as a joke worse than Dan while Necalli was immediately swept under the rug, implying that no one at Capcom was rooting for them.

I don’t think anyone on the dev team plays or even cares about Juri. That’s the only way I can understand what they’ve done with her since the beginning of SFV. Even her patch notes imply either a lack of knowledge or just a general lack of concern. The same can be said for some other characters.

I’d bet F.A.N.G’s new glide was itself primarily added because someone thought it would be funny.


Could Falke always get 380 damage in the corner for one bar? Granted it has a Jump-in.

Experimenting with these changes a bit.

Yup I have read it in his tweets. lol.

Falke got so many buffs USADA showed up at her place to give her a surprise blood test.

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I wouldn’t be suprized if this character ends up being one of the best in the game.

Remember when Akuma first came out? First glance I think most players thought he was weak.


As far as it goes now I think he’s one of the best characters in the game once he gets a hit. His block pressure while braindead and certainly good, feels like it needs some rashid level ex WW pressure to really justify his low health and lack of a fast fireball.

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