SFV Lounge: Lupe please comeback! DevilJin moving to Mortal Kombat 11

Thanks bro. Gonna check it after I get home.

Got a good feeling about these Ryu buffs. If anything, they should at least make him more versatile.
LK Donkey buff is freaking amazing, you get options to pick depending on the MU now.

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Vesper was right with V1 buffs.

Remembering @Doctrine_Dark posted datamined results. Yeah exactly correct that indeed 1 new character added.


X-Kira didn’t see Kage’s coming, I’m surprised


Same as Mecha Abigail.

I don’t know if they mistakenly believe Juri is perfect, or if they just don’t care.

It looks like everyone else saw a bunch of changes, even if it was often a mix of buffs and nerfs. You could at least tell that Capcom was trying to do something with the characters, even if you didn’t necessarily like what they were doing.

Meanwhile, Juri’s change list consists of universal normalizations and a few buffs to the VT2 that no one uses. (And Juri players are upset.)

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Maybe capcom didn’t reveal the whole season because they know it will be trash.

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None of what I saw it’s enough to make me turn on the PS4, none. I was already prepared for the disappointment, but CAPCOM goes even beyond this time. I feel for the muhfuckers who were there at the venue, what a shitshow. Others companies will not stop laughing for a while, guaranteed.


Maybe he’ll say that Kage was a last-minute effort by Capcom to discredit him.


I’ll give you a few cool changes that I remember

EX Knee hits standing opponents and has Season 1 okie
V-Skill makes non Crush Counters normals +5 on hit and can be cancelled into from certain moves
St. HP Anti Airs on frame 9 above Alex’s head. Similar to Urien’s anti air HK

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Armour nerf isn’t as bad as it looks.
Once you are down to zero real HP, armour starts eating out white life.
With the change of armour only taking 50% damage, you have 4 times your HP worth of armour to use.


Wow that’s great for Gief

can someone post a picture of kage with the ad costume?
when he doesnt have one it would be a good sign…

Sagat basically got buffs in all the right areas, and yet I don’t think it’s going to change much for him. Bleh.


He claimed he got 70% of done worked for 2019 already, Capcom probably scrapped and cancelled every schedule releases for 2019 to discredit him, because Capcom feared him. image


He’ll be slightly better, but it’s clear they are really scared of him.

Basically the sad thing is some of his better match ups got worse because of the changes, while his even match up either got slightly worse or stayed the same…and his bad match ups stayed the same mostly

One thing bothering me after looking over the patch notes is that Capcom doesn’t seem to know what to do with a lot of characters. Some characters got next to no changes and idk it just seems odd to me.

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Not sure if I missed this earlier in this thread, but lol

Wow they renamed Evil Ryu.

They could have also tried it with something more ambigious like:
Totaly not Evil Ryu!

And of course Max is head over heels for a new Ryu version.

I played him a few games. I agree with this assessment… but he does have potential to be a beast. He basically has some of the best upclose tools in the game outside of a command grab.

But his lack of meaningful range combined with terribly low hp, is a killer. Probably my favorite character so far both looks and tools wise. He would literally be perfect with Akumas/ryus or even kens fireball.

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