SFV Lounge: Lupe please comeback! DevilJin moving to Mortal Kombat 11

He’s going through all the character changes and he’s about to go over Sakura. Wonder if he’ll have a change of opinion

Feels to me like Capcom gave up on making Ryu better and just made an awful-looking model edit that plays better so they can charge people for it. Also, all four of mains got nerfed for no goddamn reason, so just as I was thinking about getting back into SFV one last time this steaming pile of an update gets thrown in my face…

Verdict so far before I go to bed

Ryu: Buffed. Will actually have a fireball game again.

Chun: Slightly buffed. Still not gonna be winning much but playable.

Nash: Might actually have a trigger. More usable

Cammy: slightly nerfed. Still gonna be top 10 to 5 ish.

Vega: nothing mind blowing but can’t complain

Sim: better offense, menat being nerfed to 3 bar trigger helps him stand oit

Gief: nothing great but can’t get worse

Karin: bout the same

Mika: same

Birdie: lost some of his VT1 derp but still good. Top tier nerfs help him.

Necalli: whatever he’s boring

Rashid: won cap com cup. Still gonna be good even with nerfs. Chp still the same.

Laura: still Laura

Fang:keeps getting buffed

Alex: s.hp, ex knee smash and v skill changes sound OD. Still gonna die to pressure but his offense may actually be worth it now

Guile: zoning will require more work and won’t be able to turn booms into offense as easily, but still top 5 to 10

Ibuki: has to think more when using v skill and vt2 now. Still top 5

Boxer: same

Juri: same

Urien: no more invincible Aegis hurts a bit. Still top 15ish

Akuma:toned down some scrub stuff, fireballs may be bit weaker, still has fireball vtc, likely still top 5

Kolin: BUFFED. Guile nerfed, other top tiers nerfed, vt2 still 2 bars, c.mk still plus one on block, now 3 active frames and now cancelable into super. W T F

Ed: psycho flicker easier execution, c.mk pp should be legit now, better but don’t see him going way up

Abi: nerfs but justified and only slow down scrubby Abi play. Got new sweep, VT1 with 3 bars will still be ridiculous, bad matches vs current top tiers got nerfed, still looking good

Menat: s.mp got BUFFED lol. Other than that mostly took nerfs and normalizations. S.hp will be able to be jumped on and block punished by more things. Gonna have to burn v reversals now and her v trigger will be more manageable at 3 bars. Never really personally had a problem with her trigger so great for me. Still gonna be good.

Zeku: better. Hopefully old man worth bothering with now.

Sakura:.might be in there now. C.mk is a real button now and s.mk better. VT1 sounds way good now. Picking her up again.

Blanka: VT1 2 bars now. Still Blanka.

Falke: got most of what she needed. Real v skill, top tiers nerfed, now has a fireball that can force fear in neutral and now gives her way to get plus frames in neutral. Dfhk plus 3 on block, dive kick is actually a dive kick now, pp combos better after lights, vt2 2 bars, c.mp is a button now, looking good

Cody: better

G: the same

Sagat: some buffs but nothing life changing. Falke still has way better heavy buttons than him and now has better offense than him. Don’t see Bonchan using him much outside of counter pick in tourney. Still overall worst hard zoner in the game, just better than before

Kage: better than Ryu


Bison just grabbed me out of my VS Hard DP with Sagat.

DON’T LECTURE ME I KNOW. I’m never using Sagat agian, going to sleep.

I really like Kage VTrigger teleports buff and new tatsu


Master Ryu is the better Ryu we never had. lol

Kage is the form after evil Ryu, basically Akuma’s Oni. It will be interesting to see how this ties into story mode.

Kage is basically Demon King Piccolo. Ryu banished the Satsui No Hado from himself and it’s manifested physically.


Did they change something about Falke’s Trigger 2 overhead frame advantage on hit? The timing for the follow-up feels more strict than before.

Edit: patchlog says no changes, weird.

Can someone test Cr. MK xx Fireball for Ryu? I don’t wanna dump FM on Kage just for that.

Vesper went through all the changes. You can check his stream archive. He goes throw Ryu at 1:28:25


@Frost Cody’s jhk slightly less ugly to look at


I’ll go through Kage’s hitboxes and the rest of the hitbox changes in general after work


I haven’t seen Alex changes yet. Hopefully they buffed his useful moves and not his gimmicks to get me back into the game.

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Sagats is the same, they just halfed the red box. Not bad, not game changing. Other jump ins are the same.

Edit: the red hurt box that is, not the hit.

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So, my disappointments of yesterday notwithstanding, the beginning of this Season feels kind of half-assed, doesn’t it? I mean if you boot up the game they don’t even show the new character in the News section first but some costumes instead. The only thing that sort of makes you wonder if there’s something new is the shitty background music and the little icon at the shop.

Compare this to the Akuma release or the entire AE thing with a new render movie and it’s, well, just lame.


There are a lot of characters that got nothing basically or nothing that helps them.Juri,Karin,Sagat,Mika etc

But still not a single change on Juri’s normals is mind blowing.Her only issue seems to have been not being able to cancel into VT2 from specials…

They just want to keep some characters bad,it’s intended.

I’ve professed before that I really wanted Evil Ryu because he was my main in SF4. So I pretty much got him and my way too early super quick assessment is that he’s not that good. Stubby normals combined with a weak fireball game and he definitely has trouble in several match ups. Against characters that out range me I really have to yolo it up with the random V skills which can only do so much.

Despite that I find him pretty fun to play and I’ll keep playing him because of that. I just wish he had a regular fireball in the 46-48f range. It feels so uncomfortable having to use light red fireball as my main fireball at mid range and further. I really don’t think this current version of him will be that good but we’ll see in the coming months.

Will Daigo make this switch? In my opinion, no way in hell. He doesn’t have the proper zoning game that would attract Daigo even if he was considered pretty good. I think it’s more likely he returns to Ryu. But in the end I think he sticks with Guile.

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There’s always season x.5. Gather your foot fetish crew and be vocal on social media.

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meh, people have been crying for Ryu buffs since S2 and he’s still meh

Nah, feedback was never the issue.They have gotten a lot of information,stats and entire videos dedicated to explaining flaws and how to solve them.

The community has done a spectacular job but if Capcom has it’s own agenda to follow there is nothing you can do.

They want some characters to outperform others,simple as that.

Agree. That’s why they need to finished a appropriate stage before jumping to different steps and areas of production.