SFV Lounge: Lupe please comeback! DevilJin moving to Mortal Kombat 11

hmm… Cody now gets regular zonk (CH) st.lk, ex zonk since they changed regular zonk to +3 on hit.

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Where’s my Fighters Pass, Capcom? There’s no way I’m spending FM or money just for Evil Ryu lol.
Sakura finally have oki after mp.dp! she’s going to be good
Feels like you can also hit confirm hp.shoryu after cr.mk! And damn that fireball buff… Sakura FC eating gucci so far.

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The Dev notes on Juri…

Developer Notes: Compared to her VTI, there weren’t many places where Juri could active her VTII Feng Shui Engine beta, so we changed it so that she can cancel into it from each of her special moves, same as VTI. Also, as it enables juggle hits, this leads to combos that aren’t possible in VTI.

We’ve also improved her H Tensenrin to be better for anti-air. Basically, she can be played the same as before.

That last part.Basically she can be played the same as before.So why even bother…

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The problem with VT2 was always that it’s suction was too short ranged. So to use it properly as an anti fireball tool, you needed to stand at a range where you ended up having to react to jump, dash, fireball- in effect mixing up yourself. The increase in suction range could be huge if it’s more than just a few pixels.

However looking through the patch notes, the biggest buff could well be the normalisations to the wake up animations of characters like Ibuki. Ken’s options off meaty jab are very very strong now, but getting hit by one wake up jab too many made me rage quit and pick up Falke.

+10 to fireball damage is actually not a bad buff. It was kinda ridiculous that Ken’s fireball did less damage than a sonic boom.


Alex got some significant buffs actually. I’m surprised by in actually. They usually only buff his lariat


I don’t know how people can say Sakura is bad anymore. They buffed her normals, better hadoukens, more damage, oki now off mp.dp. I’m really curious to see how her VT1 is now with all those buffs. I only ever used trigger 2 when I played her.


Watching Vesper’s stream surprised by some of things Alex can do now. His EX Knee Lift hits crouches and got it’s oki back. His V-Skill buff is awesome and since you can cancel into it makes more useful. I want to see what Gunfight can with Season 4 Alex. @Hawkingbird what you do think about Alex. I remember your Alex being really strong.

I can’t sleep. And I’m about 5 minutes away from buying Evil Ryu.

SOMEONE PLEASE HELP. I must make someone gift me Evil Ryu I can’t give in our I’ll go against everything I stand for HNGGG

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It’s funny cuz Vesper was making her sound like she couldn’t be fixed. Think she was already a bit downplayed but she’s about on her way now I say. More real buttons to use and better on hit, block and oki scenarios. VT1 should be about where it needs to be now


So, Akuma is still alive.
I like how Kage works, might switch to him or finally try out Cody.

V trigger air fireball timer burn increase only real significant thing I see for Akuma. Looking fine other than that. Still has good but at this point not insurmountable to deal with fireball vtc. Just gonna be his thing for the long run

So, EX red fireball is nerfed as well as DF throw.
EX SRK is even more risky now.
Not sure what the teleport change means.

Akuma is alive, except if his ex DP gets blocked.
Then at this point in S4, he might as well be very dead.


Why they got to rip off Devil Jin, Devil Kazuya, etc…

Who’s next?

Psycho Ken



then Makoto, Dudley, Roxy and Dan(Bad ass version married to Karin)

On the character select screen they have room for 1 more DLC character.

@DevilJin_01 you on this?

Just watched Del’s performance, PERFECT song to perform Del was being Del I think the song just made it worse lmao

Akuma DIES if Gief has VT2 and blocks one ex DP.
Flying headbutt xx ex air SPD does 410 damage, 510 stun on counter against his DP.
Charged st HP does 467 damage and 560 stun.
Flying headbutt, headbutt xx CA does 583 damage to him.

Don’t get your ex dp blocked, Akuma.

Only played for 30 min but very small tech stuff for Kage

Crmp xx mk stomp is - 2 oB and has trade combos vs. 3f for huge damage into microwalk crhp

After VT2 HP+HK, whiff crmk dash is throw/crmp meaty


‘Announcing the entire S3 roster was really well received last year so we decided to not do it again. Please have fun with the fifth shoto in the meantime and buy some costumes while you’re at it. Love, Capcom’