SFV Lounge: Lupe please comeback! DevilJin moving to Mortal Kombat 11

Fair enough, when I said “sucks” I mostly meant in the eyes of the people who expect Evil Ryu 2.5. Personally I’m not too worried because SFV has up to this point done a great job at making the shotos a lot more unique to one another visually. I’m sure Kage will be no exception, I have a feeling he’ll be pretty flashy.
And I still don’t know if he’ll be free, Capcom hasn’t done anything like that in SFV’s life so I’m not expecting it now. Would be nice, but jeah I’ll believe it when I see it.

VT1 looks like a legit option now

This theme is WOW.

Honestly, I’m kinda hype for this character, just because of the theme. The screams in the background are AWESOME.

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She is Capcom’s anti-leak strategy. Twitch chat is too busy talking about her breasts, her name, and her instagram to talk about S4 leaks.

Oh, and her instagram makes it clear that at the least they aren’t hard plastic.

Flying with FANG is the dumbest/funnest shit. I love this character.


It really is!


Its no longer E.ryu but V.ryu (vampire ryu). Geddit with the whole sf5 V motive?

Discord is saying Vega can stance switch from all his claw buttons now.


Do you think it has any connection to Ryu? I hear hints of Ryu’s theme in the chorus section, but only slightly.

Abigail nerfs? Why?

in case you missed KAGE gameplay


You’re about to find out in a few minutes

Bruh… have you seen the character select screen?

It Ryu.

The new move Abi has

Cool Kid thought it replaced his original sweep but I guess it doesn’t actually?

Wth this nigga has Scarlet Terror now…

Abigail’s last hurrah. Do this Itabashi. Do this for Canada.

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They probably nerfed stand LK so that Standing shot, s.LKxx standing shot won’t be a thing.

One of those “we gave her a nerf so that the buff we gave her won’t be so ridiculous” things

Alex… is going to be insane


Whats the chick with the hard nips that’s dj’n name?