SFV Lounge: Lupe please comeback! DevilJin moving to Mortal Kombat 11

The Last Nash…

Where is he?



Remove dashing.

Fuck Rashit.

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That hurt.


i was rooting for bonchan but gachikun’s rashid is just more solid

If bonchan Goes out I guess I’ll go for Momochi. I dislike all of the other characters.

Can’t stand watching ibuki in particular.

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If Nash could put you in the corner for blocking a special and wouldn’t need to use V-Trigger to get out of it then he’d look more solid, too.

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I like Gachikun so no complaints.

Fuji gonna go off on Wong. I would say Justin has a shot as he’s probably the only Menat that could actually lame Ibuki for a long set

Gachi or Fuji are gonna take this. They both have played like fucking machines this tourney and year.

Having said that, I would like it if Justin won for the same reason Leonardo Dicaprio got an academy award for The Revenant.

America will win.

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this, watching bonchan try to stop rashid with nash was like watching a man fight off a bear with a butter knife

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Thing is it’s not like Rashid neutral is totally amazing, it’s that you get cornered for nothing.

Heartbreaking for Bonchan.

Let the reign of lame begin with Justin Wong.

Justin crLP the kunai


YOOOOOO justin is legit

Dude has way better normals than people give him credit for. The fact that he basically has LK knee press as a QCF move is crazy good too. He isn’t Guile but that doesn’t mean he is bad midscreen.

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Fuji has to lose for looking like a real life Link all he needs is the ears

Edit: Justin can NJ EX Kunai too! LEggoooo

I just realized I hate Ibuki so much I’m actually rooting for Menat.


Fuji playing life lead games with Ibuki. That’s something