SFV Lounge: Lupe please comeback! DevilJin moving to Mortal Kombat 11

Yeah I didn’t get home until after 4. It was right when the ST competitors were being honored after the tournament. In his defense it’s felt like 3 hours though.

capcom is testing to see how much abuse we can take after the ad controversy

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See y’all in 2/3 hrs, I’m gonna sleep a bit.



Just now that it’s starting :frowning:

Here we go…

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I’m not gonna lie. When Yipes said that Fredrick Douglas quote, I thought he was going to talk about the pre-show.

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Yipes is here because they’re announcing that marvel rumor we kept hearing about :crossed_fingers::ok_hand:

Not cool for the announcer to show his bias for Justin on stage in front of the other competitors.

lmao Xian creeping as Itazan stepped out

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Alright, here’s hoping Bonchan is going to kick some Rashit ass.

Though I’m not too optimistic.

These idiots are legit going to let the ingame ads rock?

Fucking hell Capcom, get your shit together.

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I would die if Sagat appears in Top 8. Like I know it’s a long shot, but I think it would steal everyone’s thunder.

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I have no clue about match ups in this game. Is Karin terrible against Rashid or is Bonchan just doing a funny?

Why do I see Nash, this isn’t Season 1

[quote="Mike_MF_Hall, post:3209, topic:579769, full:true"]

Oh really


Your music sucks

Hi. I rarely respond to these but I’m going to make an exception here, as a lot of you haven’t heard anything from me in about 5 or so years.

I don’t know what the point of posting something like this is, other than to bring hurt or discomfort to another person. Honestly that just seems like a really bad quality to have as a human being, and if it’s because you yourself feel frustrated that I am doing something you dislike, than I apologize. But I feel like that energy could be used towards things you DO like instead. And if it’s not that, that I think it’s a really ugly thing to say to someone who’s worked a long time at a thing he loves.

My music and my tastes and my looks have changed drastically-- and during the time I was doing more stuff for FGC, I would receive messages like these along with death threats as well as other things about my weight, my race/religion, my work all while watching my father drip into alcoholism and abuse my mother sister and brother.

and I hope you don’t take this too personally, but I am almost positive I’ve accomplished more in the last year than you have in your last 5. And I’M NOT TRYING TO INSULT YOU THERE! I just mean that the energy and time used for saying that to me on SRK, was something ugly you could have turned into something better, and I’m sorry that you can’t. I unfortunately cannot stop doing music, because it’s a thing I love and a thing a lot of other people love about me. I am consistently booked around NYC and LA for shows that are often sold out and a lot of my stuff has to do with mental health, and my goal really isn’t to be liked as much as it is to help people going through depression and feeling like outcasts as I once did.

Even still, I’m sorry you don’t like the work I do(I didn’t do whatever played during CC, I don’t know who that was) But I hope one day you channel whatever hate you have for me into something better and more productive and let go of it, because there’s nothing to be gained but pain and anger from statements like yours. Sincerely mean this.

And @Dime thanks for being so mature in your response to that. Means a lot man. Would love to know what you think of newer stuff because even if you don’t like it, it’s all feedback I can use to improve.

Wish ya’ll the best. -Z


Someone please post the performance PLEASE

LMAo 8 chars

@yung_beezy I don’t understand this.


Lol, what happened to that movie you were making?

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It became an album. I was going to release it in July but my father relapsed and nearly died. His alcoholism has honestly impacted a lot of stuff over the last year. Unfortunately that situation did not turn out well. The album has been recorded and I’m waiting for two more cameos but I have a bunch of well known FGC cats on it and some berklee producers and talent as well.

I’m planning promo and release on it right now.