SFV Lounge: Lupe please comeback! DevilJin moving to Mortal Kombat 11

Bonchan needs to win Capcom Cup cuz we need that Sagat CPT costume/buffs stimulus package. LETS GO!


The game is highly based on surprise reactions, reactions are highly variable even in specific individuals.

If you just ate a piece of cheese versus a coffee, expect a dip in reaction time, same for type of lighting, colors on your monitor, how much sleep you got, whether you’ve drank enough or too much water… etc etc

I have no numbers but I think it’s pretty telling. A player can go from being able to do a harder 1 hit confirm 85-90% of the time, to around 50%, depending on these factors. It’s absolutely not a test of skill, and more a test of talent and preparation.

Not necessarily a bad thing since lots of competitions are like this. But lests call it what it is, so we can understand what it is we are dealing with and whether we want those variant player attributes to be the litmus test on what a good player is.


At this point I’ll feel sad if Makoto doesn’t get revealed even if I probably prefer Rose and Viper over her.

I’d really like a GOOD version of necro. He’s basically an sf5 character anyways with the way his specials and normals work.


I also think on some totally random shit that zeku would be an amazing pick for punk. Punk is one of the few players out there that could possibly have the reactions to consistently confirm zekus mp target combo and perhaps confirm his cr.mk into his high damage v trigger, both of which would make the characrer way stronger. Give him a super and he would basically be like Karin, except you could go to old style to handle ranged matchups like abby and gief.

It’s all on Capcom, if they prefer those two over a character way more suited for this game, I’m over. Nothing against who prefer Rose and Viper obviously, good for them, but personally I’m out.

The fact Necro would be perfect for SFV could be a reason for Capcom to not include him, believe me.

Punk already stated Zeku looks like shit for him.

Justin Wong’s menat inspired me to start menat. This time persist to become actually good and play like justin wong and not sako.
Lesson 1: master the st hp and st mp buttons. And cr hp anti air.
Lesson 2: learn combos.
Lesson 3: learn v trigger combos/mix ups.
Lesson 4: Run the clock down.

Well, hopefully she will end up making it in the game. She’s always been a hype character.

Super Turbo action before the top 8.
This pleases me!

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Assuming most of the mechanics and season 3.5 stuff stayed the same or very similar in season 4. Most of my top tier nerfs would be damage.

Akuma would get a V trigger fireball cancel nerf with slight nerf on certain specials
Menat would get a V trigger bar nerf
Cammy would get normal and special nerfs.
Ibuki slight damage nerfs
Guile would get frame data nerfs.
Abigail would get damage nerfs.

The dumbest thing about Guile is his walk speed IMO. Throwing out a boom as a shield and moving around the stage with Cammy walkspeed while he’s getting protected by a meterless projectile is just retarded. Not to mention the pressure and shimmy game it enables.

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Bit late to be learning Menat, considering the fact that she won’t exist after this season. :smirk:


Patch notes for S4 Menat:

  • All orb normals get 10f more recovery.

Life will be nice and good if that happens.

I don’t think to wait until 2020, fuck them.

Random because I’m totally straight but Afro Legends is a really handsome dude.

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He’s just too good on the offensive side to be Guile and his commitment in that aspect of the game is low.

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I like how James Chen fit “proximity normals” in during that ST exhibition

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He is indeed a very handsome dude, but he still doesn’t compare to old man Valle.
Old man Valle aged like a fine wine. He is a fine looking man of proper age. :heart:
Much finer looking than what young man Valle was.

I’m ready for the finals today. Gonna sit back and enjoy these matches. Hoping for some amazing reveals.


If Makoto isn’t in this season, I’ll complain a little bit before going back to play this game. Don’t make me do this, Capcom.

I had to go away and I fear I mixed the last ST games, did Damdai win?