SFV Lounge: Lupe please comeback! DevilJin moving to Mortal Kombat 11

I agree. Ono sees that and says “Wow Bonchan, I see you’re having such a great time with Karin you don’t need Sagat anymore. Devs, cancel those buffs!!”

His Karin costume gotta be dope too.

If season 4 is monday will we get inaccurate patch notes tonight or do we get nothing till the new year?

I have the feeling that we’re going to reach 4,000 posts very quickly in few hours.

I also take the chance to say sorry to everyone in advance, I would probably react like a child after the S4 reveal, it’s up to Capcom if in a good or in a bad way.


Normally the patch notes comes before the actual patch, but I don’t think they will release S4 that soon.

Old Zeku normals are too shitty for traditional SF. Old Zeku is trying to play like an awkward cross of a bad sagat and a bad fuerte.


I would think they’d see how tonight played out to determine any last minute buffs/nerfs as well. Wasn’t Birdie nerfed last year because of Mena’s win?

Last year was a title update. And there’s always been a mid season patch in the spring. Season 1 we got the patch the following week after capcup

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If S4 drops this month - we’ll get the patchnotes during next week

If S4 is delayed until January - don’t expect anything until after New Years at the earliest

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Breh your setting yourself up for disappointment! Makoto will be season 5/6

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Season 4 gonna be honda, deejay, thawk, elfuerte, seth, and that dude byron from guiles story

Lmao i know what the audio was but i cant hear it different now

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I will stop playing then, probably I will be still around here for a bit, but definitely I’m not the kind of person who love waiting that much.

At what time do the finals start?

Major tournaments like Evo and CC kind of prove that the game is pretty balanced over all.

However the characters aren’t.

Truthfully alot of characters can get far, some realistically can win. I mean a 6 months ago most top or good players would have laughed you out the room if you said zeku would be placing top 8 at CC or Sakura would be top 32 or 18.

Doesn’t mean these characters aren’t bad in the general big picture of street fighter 5. But they can win and aren’t just auto loses. It’s actually pretty similar to how sf4 was

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Jwong said 2:30pst

Jeah I most definitely heard “big Canadian car” but I can kinda get the confusion I guess? Honestly I didn’t think of it until the Reddit threads and Twitter posts

I dunno that tournaments tell that much anymore tbh. Too many outside factors. Brackets factor in so much. What player you facing. How long since he last played. Does he know the match

Terrible characters don’t win. But good characters can go out early and ok characters can get far. Tournaments say much more about the players than their characters imo


Exactly, SFV is an extremely volatile game, if you’re in a bad mood that day you can lose against everyone. Tokido looked like a freight train until yesterday, I doubt his opponents learned how to put him in check all of a sudden. Happens to everyone to steamrolling people online and play like shit the day after, pros are that good even because they’re so consistent in their play, but when the level is that high even little uncertainties are deadly, it’s more mental than a pure skill exhibition.

Then you get stuff like the internationals getting jetlagged. Their fault for not getting in town early enough, but it still factors in. Daigo said he didn’t sleep the night before. But 0-2 or whatever. Early exit Guile isnt that good

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Guile Cammy and Akuma players conspired together to keep themselves out of top 8. Smart move