SFV Lounge: Lupe please comeback! DevilJin moving to Mortal Kombat 11

Tokido with the scrub tactics in the last game.

:rofl: It was soo funny when Tokido whiffed that wake-up shoryuken :rofl: We thought ya were “one of the 5 Japanese gods” buddy… :rofl:

When a Japanese god does that we call that “a hard read”.


Zeku has damage and nice stuff, but he’s out of place in SFV.

Don’t miss the other half of the matches going on at CapcomFighters2:

Pikoro actually won a game against Fujimura! :open_mouth:
And almost won the second!


“Japanese” still carries that mysticism with it even though it might be just ordinary green tea :grin: I look forward to the interview where he explains the circumstances around the wake-up shoryu :rofl:

Really? I tried playing him but I couldn’t commit to the character, I thought he looked cool and all however, though…

Pikoro-Fujimura is currently 2-2.

@Daemos will have to explain some shit if he actually beats Fuji.

Alright, Bison nerfs averted… For now.

This is just a taster of the darkness that will befall all of mankind. SOON!


Capcom fighter 2 stream got all the tasty matches.

No lag today, but commentary is a lot louder than the game and something is wrong with their mics.

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Xian!!! :frowning:

For me it varied per character. Like Viper is an obvious low point with her uni-boob and awkward looking hips. On the other hand I think Akuma looks better in SF4 than he does in 5.

Edit: I also like the “ink” effect in 4 over the weird watery clay effect on the win screen and around some EX moves in 5. SFV hair is also pretty bad in places.

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No way! Really? He looked like a troll, made worse by that English VA. I admire Capcom for taking a risk with their reinventions for 5, and for me at least, SF5 Akuma is a hit not a miss.

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Xian needs a new character

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Xian needs Gen… KPOP Gen lol


Buffed F.A.N.G for Season 4.

For real though, a competitively viable F.A.N.G would be the stuff of nightmares to fight against.


showing usf4 match replays. capcom knows what people want :bee:

Momochi plays Zeku!?

I played Pikkoro a lot online. One of the strongest Bison’s I ever fought. Nice to see him at Capcom Cup.