SFV Lounge: Lupe please comeback! DevilJin moving to Mortal Kombat 11

I wouldn’t say mobility is an issue. I’d say she’s top ten mobility. Good walk, dive kick, slide, insane jump in …

She can use, and combo into V-Skill rather easily to build gauge so yeah no.

Yh her slide and divekick does make her fast; but those are somewhat situational used. But walkspeed, dash and neutral and forward jump are on the slow end. Her jump in is good because of reach not because of speed though.

That’s a good point.
But Should ease of v skill use factor into how many bars a v trigger should have? Should cammy v trigger 1 be 3 bars?
Also what if you dont happen to use her v skill much in that round because you decided to instead release the orb and end combos with ex moves instead of ending it with v skill purely because it served your gameplan more. Or if you played lame, mashed st mp and st hp going for pure zoning.
Are you deserving less than some players who play one way?
Just a thought.

This scope of this question is too narrow imo. Number of VT bars should be dependent on your ability to build the meter and of course the strength of the VT.

Cammy for example has low health, a gimmicky VS, and almost no CC game to speak of. Her VT1 gives her two enhanced special uses. It’s good but not singlehandedly swinging games. There is little reason to raise it to 3 bars.

Menat’s VT1 is better, on top of her better CC game and more utilitarian VS. She does share Cammy’s low health. It absolutely should be 3 bars.

Can we please stop justifying Menat with mental gymnastics.

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Nerf Necalli too, we need to prepare for the future!

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If by some off chance they choose to keep her VT two bars they will more than likely nerf her meter gain kinda like they did Gen back in SF4 lifespan.

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Watching the replays on YouTube, and I haven’t seen a match that ZJZ didn’t earn with Menat. He just outplayed his opponents.

Yeah, its not easy getting in. But people were also taking hits that they shouldn’t have been taking. And then too often messed up when they did get in.

Yeah, Menat can do some mean things with her super. But it wasn’t ZJZ’s fault that he was able to repeatedly reliably land wake-up supers. Yeah, Menat can do some really ugly things with her VT1. But it wasn’t like ZJZ wasn’t eating similar damage from his opponents’ VTs. A fair number of rounds “stolen” by Menat’s VT1 were only that close in the first place because the opponent had already used their VT to take a similar chunk of Menat’s life.


Yeah that would be decent and fitting.

No one would see it coming and predict it like the abigail mech.

I used to remember my fanfiction where bison uses temporary remote cyborgs while his new body is on works.

Mecha Bison is a Dream!! Better than the purple Bison we almost have for SFV that Im glad didn’t happened.

I’m not against nerfing menat but I think she’s slightly in a delicate place where making her trigger 3 bars would nerf her offense too much atleast until the latter stages of the game. Or cause players to focus too much on building meter. It’s clear that’s not the direction capcom want to take menat, her v trigger is meant to be part and parcel of her game, not something that comes in at the end.

I think your at a place with Menat where you either nerf her zoning game or v trigger. And i’d much rather her v trigger is kept the same but zoning is nerfed. And maybe given a buff in her offensive tools.

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2 bar v trigger also seem to be linked to character overall design. Some are stronger than others because it allows them to make up for deficiencies which are crippling.
Alex and abigail are a good example, compared to for example ryu and sagat who have a more solid straightforward neutral game.

Yeah i feel like if her VT1 stays as is the rest of her kit will get clapped. I don’t have a real preference for either. However I think she would eat a lot of nerfs if she kept her current VT1.

Or maybe I’m totally wrong. Hard to say with Capcom at the wheel.

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You can’t get that trigger twice a round, you just can’t, any kind of justification is just people not thinking straight.

I’d be for just nobody getting trigger twice a round or all of the triggers are 3 bar. There’s massive imbalance in the trigger department, like unusually whack imbalance.


ARGH Menat won the LCQ while I was out and I missed all the salt in the making!

Congrats to ZJZ, now I have another Menat main to root for tomorrow but high chances there’s not a single one in top8 and all this “brokeness” get forgotten by next week.

Yea Ibuki is another one that can get her VT twice a round.

Because ibuki and Menat follow the original premise of the game. Use your v skill to build your v trigger.

But they just forgot for half the characters.


Is there anyone that thinks Menat is not top tier?

All 3-bar VTs give you access to TWO chances to convert to big damage: one for the cancel and another one for the trigger itself which you can deploy on demand. Aegis Reflector is the prime example: you get a combo out of the first cancelled cr.mk and still have another mirror in stock for another shot at big damage when you fell like it.

Menat doesn’t have significant combos off the cancel itself. If you want to convert damage from the cancel, you have to burn the trigger itself so it’s only one chance to do damage, therefore it’s 2 bar. Also, her V-reversal is among the worst ones so it’s only fair that she has one reversal + 1 trigger per round.

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Fujimura took out his Bison without much effort last tournament they played in.

I say grand finals is Tokido vs someone or Fujimura vs someone. Or possible Tokido vs Fuji


Death to Fujimura, bring back Yukadon.