SFV Lounge: Lupe please comeback! DevilJin moving to Mortal Kombat 11

Johnny is looking pretty solid.

Will get some more shots later on.This costume is quality stuff i admit.


Playing with the game ads on during streams doesnt really make sense to me since they already run ads on stream every 2 seconds anyway lol

One of the few thats actually worth paying for. They should just go ahead and make mech everyone.

Would sooo rock a mech guile/nash

Capcom showing a Sagat vs. Makoto replay from SFIV.

A sign, surely.


Honestly I think that Juri costume is pretty lame. Just seems like more waifu pandering weeb trash


Please god.


I don’t know what you’re talking about.



Ads everywhere.

Gouken is coming. I feel it. They hinted nothing with the confetti, and the new logo, which always had something, have nothing. Who mastered the power of nothing? Gouken.
Screencap this.


I think i love you.

I need Gouken.

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Watching Capcom Cup now I’ve gotta say that SFV is the most realistic fighting game to date. Everybody is just out there, fighting :scream: :drooling_face: Sure it sucks that you get three cents of fight money per year and so on, but still :drooling_face:

I like the way you think man.

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Let’s face it though,small chance for the old man to come sadly.

But man he would be hype. I want them to add his old taunt as well when he sais “oooh” or “fool”

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His VT1 will allow him to shoot two fireballs at an angle.

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Or “Trust your instincts!” while you had the upper hand and knew the sucker would fall for the same diagonal fireball to palm juggle :rofl: Then he had “Forbidden Shoryuken” that clearly wasn’t forbidden on that day :rofl:

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As you said, he decides whats forbidden and not !

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Yeah it was only forbidden for Ryu and Ken apparently :joy:

I remember that actor from Yazuka. He couldn’t to that Kiryu