SFV Lounge: Lupe please comeback! DevilJin moving to Mortal Kombat 11

Lol who pissed in your cornflakes?

I’m trying out Falke just because I’m bored of Chun and Sak and wanted a small change of pace. Doesn’t have shit to do with tier whoring or being “spineless”.

If you want to throw shots say names next time.

I know who pissed in his Cornflakes…


That’s what Sagat will be saying to all of the low tier shmucks after he gets his top tier heavy buttons and custom cawmbos.

Hey guys, sorry this will be my last post advertising my MK podcasts I swear. I totally re-did how I did these and removed my first two episodes (that were about 90 minutes long) into three episodes with probably more information in them that total just over 30 minutes in all three of them. They’re much cleaner and tolerable now.

If you give any sort of a damn for MK, or have some spare time to listen to let me know your thoughts, I’d appreciate it. The first episode is really just an introduction, but episodes 2 and 3 talk more about MK11.

Here’s a link to the hosting site with all three episodes accessible. The new ones will appear here as well. I’d normally add the iTunes link but it’s acting funny since I removed the original episodes and will have to see how that goes and if it refreshes itself.



All I want is for one of Menat’s EX orb throws to become a proper command grab

Is that too much to ask for Capcom

So, i don’t know if anyone posted this before,so if you did, excuse my double post.

Look at this PC mod for SFV. It turns the ads invisible, but you still get the extra FM because it counts as if they were enabled.

PC, master race.


You guys really think mechanics changes are coming? Like second supers or new defensive options?

I have heavy doubts they do anything like that this season.

You already have the best defensive option in the history of Fighting Games.


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If they don’t drop on the first patch probably soon after. The training mode options for version select has a huge empty spot for selectable options so I imagine that’s getting geared up for a new season of more selections.

I’m going to ride custom combos until they appear. They want offense to be strong in this game so expect any new defensive options to suck ass, but at least you’ll get them.

You already have custom combos in the game

Play Menat

Nah I wanna be able to hit fierce and special over and over and over and then launch people into shit.

I was referring at some Twitter monsters out there testing her out just now, everyone there dropped Falke after Xian rant. I have no problem with people here testing her out and giving a judgement using their heads, I’ve responded to @shinbojan posted because Akuma will never be bad to the point to be dumped, then if he wants to try Falke to keep his interest fresh it’s ok for me, the fact of thinking she will be TT good is exaggerated atm. She will gets buffs (deserved), we have to see how good and viable she will become.

Don’t worry fam, when I want to call out someone I’ll do, I’m not a bitch. As I said, I wasn’t referring to anyone here in the forum nor I had reasons to do that. Chill.

She probably won’t be top tier unless they give her top tier offense. All of the current top 5 are basically characters that have top offense or top defense and top offense. Falke’s neutral and defense is overall pretty solid, but she can’t ram her shit down people’s faces like Guile and Menat can if the zoning isn’t going to work. Keeping her out of top. If that somehow changes, then very likely she could get close to top. Otherwise still works as a counter pick/zoner character for a top tier I already use. Win win for me either way. Don’t need her to be top tier, but if that somehow happens I’ll take it.

Past that yeah the social media/twitter monsters will be spoon fed by their gods over which characters are good or not. They don’t have enough fighting game intuition to think for themselves and will just write Falke off as not worth playing and her Megaman/Zero charge fireball makes her too hard to play etc.

Bonchan playing the card perfectly whether Sagat is actually as bad as he says he is or not. No point in saying Sagat is good or decent at this or that. You’ll get more for saying he’s bad until he becomes good enough that you can’t say he sucks without getting hate from the media monsters.

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I actually don’t like playing good characters because they tend to be popular and by that point you’re just going to play mirror match after mirror match. With the exception of Ryu and Gief, every popular SFV character is also really good. I couldn’t imagine being a Guile main for example because all I’d be doing would be throwing booms at my opponent’s booms al day.

Falke is a great pick because I run into another Falke maybe once a month. Maybe. Chun was similar, as was Kolin.

That said unless they make her completely broken I don’t see a lot of people just jumping on a character they’ve been labelling as ‘boring, lazy and badly animated’ for half a year anyway. Maybe a couple of Menat or Dhalsim mains will switch but that’s about it.

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Maybe but only if they release her redhead Italian deliquent version mamed Rita :wink:

I can say I don’t regret giving Falke a chance and making her my main.
Even though she is very honest right now, she was a step up from Zangief.
Sure, I should main a top tier and pocket her or Zangief, but I am too much of a low tier whore to do such.

Still, it is a given that she will be receiving some buffs in S4. I just kind of doubt they will be enough to make her top 5. She might get close to top 10.

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I knew Falke was a secret top tier the moment I laid eyes on her, people who only now are realizing her tremendous power and imminent ascension to literal goddess in Season 4 will not be able to catch up with us early believers and will be inevitably left behind!

Seriously though, why do people trust X-Kira’s “datamining” when it comes to balancing? How is he supposed to know anything about that?


I doubt Capcom is going to be making huge gameplay changes to SFV that people are expecting with Season 4

I recall every other Capcom Cup having previews already being teased but this year doesn’t so that is not a good sign paired wuth Ad-mania.

I for one don’t believe any of his words when it comes to balancing.
Saying that Falke is getting buffs next season right now is the same of saying that water is wet.
It is so damn obvious that it will happen. But from buffs happening to her becoming top tier is a completely different matter.

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Yall saying Falk buffs are obvious but Vega has had a non invincible CA going on 3 years now.