SFV Lounge: It was coming and it CAME HOME. Ono is your Evo 2018 Chamion

I dun get it.

combofiend earns money trough his own arcade machine now?

I don’t know if you watch the high ranking Birdies on CFN but he can be a really annoying wall of just buttons. Like any Birdie worth their shit can just jail you with st.HP and make you wonder how you’re losing to a character that has like no mix ups lmao. I don’t think Birdie is easy to play but I think his neutral tools are still mad abusable especially online.

You really got to get that wall mentality and just walk forward and scare the fuck outa niggas. I gotta watch your games and see what you might be lacking.

On my end I feel at a loss for how to maintain my rank. I struggle to stay in SD and even on good days I’m losing more than winning. Ever since I got to SD my W/L ratio has plummeted. I used to be 48.77 and went down to just 47.00 which shows me I’m not learning shit. Which ain’t really wrong cuz I’m fucking lazy and don’t lab the more obscure situations that normally get me tilted. But even then there’s still really really basic shit I lose to online and I have a tendency to get way over my head and lose for being to brash.

Not blocking has been my biggest issue and allot of the times I’m just guessing when a string ends or hoping that my opponent will try to walk forward like an ass only to get jumped on and lose 40%.

For example:

Play against Alex
Power bomb
You know dash up PB is BS but you also know niggas will try anything
Assume the fetal position because don’t wanna have to deal with Lariat
Alex does dash up PB again
What an asshole.png
Okay he thinks I’m pussy so I’m gonna jab check the next one
Alex does st.HK then activates VT
hahaha it’s okay I deserved that


Ah, I don’t pay attention stuff like this. So, tis lost on me.

It’s okay Twin, that stuff only works online.
You can easily check dashes offline.

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I took a real good look at 456_ht who’s a Master ranked Birdie last night and literally wrote everything I’m not doing. I HAVE TWO FRIGGIN PAGES OF NOTES. Lots of labbing to do. But what I’ve also realized is that MenaRD is definitely not playing Birdie like him or anyone else up there for that matter. He’s always looking for the big payoff but if he worked off normals he wouldn’t get blown up so much. Just watching ELeague with him and Dogura playing, there was too much random EX dolphin. I know to at least use the crap when either the opponent or I’m in the middle of some sorta movement. I will need to switch from working off potential 50/50s to lots of buttons like no ones business. Jin was saying the same thing a few weeks ago and then I stopped playing and went back to autopilot mode. Sad!

Bruh you are completely accurate on the Alex BS. looooool


Powerbomb oki guide to defensive play

After powerbomb, Alex is +15

True meaty follow-ups are St.hk and LK elbow, nothing else can reach in time. If Alex dashes, stomps or headbutts you can stop him. You should always jab him after dash, which is reactable, and try to react to stomp/headbutt with neutral jump.

That also means powerbomb > dash is -4(whoops), and punishable.

Because Alex’s dash is so slow, it’s possible to react to the followups without getting opened up to the others.

If it seems hard, go and record the bot doing all 3 followups and train reacting to them.


Yo he gets a literal quarter of a cottonpickin second?? That’s stupid.

But the defensive measure are top notch A+ stuff - thanks Frost, will try that tonight.

You’re right about Mena fishing for big pay offs. It’s actually something I really dislike about his play style because it basically only works on people who scare easily. Back when I used to run into Westcoastplease (Birdie main) he would do that MenaRD style to a T. Just Bull Head Bull Head Bull Head, he didn’t give a fuck and back then he was like high Ultra Diamond and I was just trying to stay in Ultra Platinum. But due to MM at that time I ran into him allot and over a short period of time I managed to take plenty of games off him. Yet despite the wins I didn’t feel like they were legit. It felt like he was handing me wins because he didn’t care. At first I thought he was only doing it to me just to troll but later on I saw he was doing that to everyone. And he was winning. Allot of the times it was because the opponent was just to scared because he wasn’t scared to just let the shit rip.

Granted smart players can mix crazy with effective and since Mena can kinda see the matrix he could still body most people regardless of the gimmicks. But against players as smart or smarter than him that shit just can’t work forever. No matter how unga SFV is, strong players can still shut down flowchart players.


It’s so funky ironic… Like Mena’s good but not the best Birdie and we see him quite a bit on the tournament circuit. Friggin Trashbox is #1 on SFV and plays Birdie, but he doesn’t travel at all AFAIK. And then Mena wants to drop Birdie (I don’t think Birdie’s the problem). It just don’t add up. It’s like Mena doesn’t even realize he’s all unga bunga. Shoot I know I’ve been on major Chuck Rock mode, but I’ve had enough. Needs the normal walls.

Its obvious by his Twitter that Mena is about as scrambly of a person as his play. This is the same guy who will say his main character isn’t his main character. Like if Birdie wasn’t his actual main character he would have Evo and CPT 2018 on lock.

Like I figure though, crazy play is good as long as you have good reactions. Mena is crazy but his ability to whiff punish with s.mp and react to different scenarios is also top notch. When you got those 2 things you can go crazy for 20 seconds, get a 70 percent life lead and then wall out the opponent for the rest of the round.

He can definitely play lame also if he wants to. I remember he beat Wolfkrones Laura at an event by almost timing her out every round. Birdie can go crazy and kill Laura but if you sit in place with your better buttons she dies a slow death also.


So yeah, I’m 35, which makes me younger than Daigo and Valle, but I’m older than Justin. So maaaaaaaaybe I might not be able to react as well as I could back nearly 10 years ago when SF4 first dropped. Won’t stop me from grindin though.

I’ll be on these games till my hands wither away. After that, I’ll prolly go BrolyLegs style.


I guess Arcsys has been taking lessons from SFV

Frozty, Mayor Travers Elect if you will, riddle me this.
Why, if we presume your statement to be true, based on the current frame data of SFV, found in widespread SF resources such as FATS, that Alex is incredibly minus after a dash, why then, is it that my mashed 4 frame jab, gets eaten up and I get PBd anyway.

On many accounts, I, the defendent, can assure you, that upon furious mashing, such as found in 16 year olds playing MKX, I, the defendant, have not been able to stuff an Alex dash on reaction online after PB.

I hereby render your point annulled, considering the lack of online evidence of your supposition. However, taken into account that your claims are based on sound scientific evidence, The Court will grant you clemency. This means you will not have to return into custody, however you will have to undergo rigorous reform until you learn how to Criminal Upper once again.

Court is adjourned.


Alex is a pain online, every Alex player will go YOLO on everyone. Reacting there to his BS is a chore. The only way I’ve found useful VS him is going ham on him before he goes ham on you. If there is a little of lag… Good luck.

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More like French bread. Pretty sure walds boxes worked like that in unib as well.

Cody arriving 1 day early just in time for my birthday. :heart:

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ayy is that iRedman’s voice I hear? One of the scumbags that made me an asshole I am today /PXG BOYZ/ glad to see he has been commentating and still playing SFV

And you don’t look a day over 20 still my dear <3

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Agreed. Most of the Alexes I’ve run into online are raggo aggro as fuck. I mean most players are that way online especially where I’m at but the Alex players are often a remarkable substrain.

Last time I played one his connection always lagged on EX Headbutt. It didn’t even arc - Alex would just flash and then sorta Blanka VT2 over to me and Headbutt. I couldn’t even be mad it looked so funny.

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