SFV Lounge: It was coming and it CAME HOME. Ono is your Evo 2018 Chamion

Imo for SF6:

Definite returns: Rashid, Menat
Maybe: Ed, Laura
Not anytime soon: FANG, Necalli, Falke, Zeku, Abigail, Kolin

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Cody is definitely a good reason to turn this game on, on the 25th, his new design is amazing. That Hagger outfit is Kreygasm.

Those DMC outfits are a must as well.

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I definitely doubt FANG will return any time soon but that’s a shame cause his design is amazing.

Rashid’s design is good and he seems pretty well-liked even if people whined about him for a bit, so I agree he’s the most obvious candidate for SF6.

I can’t see Menat making a return right away. VT1 is extremely important to her identity and without it she’s kind of a gimped version of Sim. I guess it’s possible it could return as a Super in a game with no VTs, but that’d be a lot less powerful and Capcom seems to be moving away from utility supers anyways.

Aside from that, popularity matters and I think if Menat remains top tier for the rest of the season people might look back at her the same way they look back at SF4 Elena. i.e. not very favorably.

That Cody Ed mod is amazing. It looks like downsy Cody. Codee-hee.

For SFV characters that could return in a future game, Rashid and Laura jump out to me from the crop we’ve had so far. I think it helps to come out early in the game’s life cycle so they get sort of burned into your memory if you’ve played the game.

I think the Neo Shadaloo folks are cool enough to come back too but they seem timeline gated, sort of how Kolin would be. Granted they can come up with any excuse to put characters in but they do seem to care enough about the timeline for that to make a difference. Or at least make them have to work for it a bit - like how they’re bringing back Sagat post 4 kings.

I actually like all of the new characters enough that I’d be fine with seeing them come back. Some seem more tied to SFV’s mechanics than others but they can always fuck with returning characters to make them “fit” the new system (fit like Alex or fit like Urien).

Back to counting days until the update.

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People already talking about SF6 huh.

After SF5’s last update is released it’ prolly gonna be around 1 more year until we can start hearing about it, and this if they start working on it around S4 imo.

As far as v sistem not being implemented in 6,that’s a given and imo,thank God. Locking your character behind a timer is a poor choice,while the v skills are just a special move bound to two buttons.

As for returning characters if I get Juri,Cammy or Gouken then i’m happy.

Cammy will be in most likely and i’m pretty sure Juri will be in all SF games from now on, initial roster or dlc,they did right with her visual design so she in forever, old man Gouken we will see…

well the cast of this game is good except for maybe necalli, Fang And Falke so hopefully they’ll pick another interesting cast for SFV

Cali is better then most of the characters in this game barring Birdie, Juri, Urien, Rog.

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i dont mean tier list wise i mean the character was being hyped up as being the Anti Satsu no hado or whatever and this dude gets bodied by EVERYONE. Capcom is so good at making cool looking character but are hit or miss when it comes to lore



I like Necalli’s design but his lore is straight trash. I’m not a lore guy but they did him dirty in the story mode.

Most likely to return:

Rashid (His move set would work fine without VT or CC)
Laura (Sean) (Has a move set that can be expanded easily)
Menat (Popular waifu aka Juri 2.0) She’ll most likely get a rework and chances are wont be as good in SF6

Most likely not coming back.

Kolin (She was a massive stretch even from a lore stand point and shes not popular) She’s also too much of a SFV character.
Necalli (We already have Akuma so like… why?)
Abigail (Just a function with armor)
Falke (Dry waifu)
Zeku (SF6 will prob have Guy return sooooo…)

Toss up
Ed (Capcom has showed us that Cody and the Cody function can coexist so him being the only Neo-Shad to come back seems like it could happen) I also think his design can work in a non SFV game.

Fang (I just don’t see him coming back… honestly he should just cross over with Dark Stalkers like Sakura did with Rival Schools) I’m almost 99% positive he would be better in a Nu-DS game.


G (He seems to theme based IE Gold motif, could be a member of the Q faction) Just seems like a design that wouldn’t be repped in other games.

Also I like how Jin up played Juri in the OP like the shill he is LMAO!!!

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Necalli’s lore is actually cool,it was Capcom’s execution of it in the actual game’s story that was terrible.


It is so hard to make progress in this game. Like, shit just will just not work out at times. The littlest things. Fail to punish. Timing. Man, sometimes I’m just at a lost playing SFV. That’s not even salt talking. I really gotta change my approach because I am at a wall that just won’t move.

And on top of that, matchmaking is just being really ass right now.


Its funny because even though we’re dealing with different challenges I know exactly what you mean. I’ve felt that exact same wall and frustrations recently, up to and including the matchmaking being a pile of butts recently.

Sometimes you just need to step back and let yourself get a fresh perspective, whether that is from a break playing the game, playing something else, or just trying to come at the game/training in a different way to get the gears turning differently. That helped me a lot recently; even though I’m still working on implementing everything I’ve thought of I feel way less hopeless/stuck than I did a month or so ago.

You can do it! :grin:


Man you master rank and saying this.

Just shows how big that gap can be. I need to get my shit together. I feel like like a fucking retard playing this game.

Those dudes that got like a 75% win rate are on some shit lol


Welp. I just registered to the Brazilian SFV championship.
The 1st online event will be this weekend. Time to get bodied with Gief and Sakura.
Hopefully I will do well enough to hold together till the offline event here in Curitiba in October. :stuck_out_tongue:


If waifu-bait n.6 Menat becomes a common returning character while good designs like F.A.N.G and fun characters like Abigail* don’t because they’re both butt-ugly I’ll be sad.

Also, Falke is a fairly generic dry waifu, but damn did her gameplay clicked with me.

*Fun to play as, certainly not fun to play against

Imo the most fun character to play in V is Urien.

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Yeah I’m with you on that. For me, I’ve had to learn to just come outta auto-pilot and that only works so well. I’ll get downloaded even if I’m using mix ups. Birdie has some decent 50/50s and what not but when I think I’ve conditioned them well enough, they’re all like "NAH NIGGA - COME EAT THIS COUNTER THO teabag 20 thousand times. I’m hoping the randomness in skill goes away after Super Platinum cuz this gauntlet of opponents is weird.

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Ed and Cody can coexist mostly because the first failed at being the replacement of the latter. They’re different so they can be in future SFs together. Laura is Abel with tits, I think Capcom will prefer to create just another waifu. Rashid looks flashy and all, but no one will take him over Yun. I don’t like Menat, if Capcom wants to keep the sexy fortune-teller cliché then Rose is a staple character here. Agree with the rest.
