IT SHOULDN’T HAVE BEEN THERE, AGREED. It had no business being there, when the community bitched incessantly about Bayonetta yet they didn’t have the balls to ban her like Meta Knight, and then they bitch at every player who used her like it was the gravest sin. I’m sorry, it’s fucking Evolution, they damn well should use who gives them the best chance to win.
The community is basically a bigger version of Blazblue’s community a few years back. Just whiny ass fuckers who stop giving a shit the second a new shiny product is on the horizon. I guarantee if Smash Ultimate was announced a couple of months sooner (with the same release date), Smash 4 would’ve never made EVO.
The whining is irrelevant. You don’t disrespect an event by sandbagging the grand finals. Its disrespectful as fuck to the TO and the people who work hard to put together the event.
Much less than that, you definitely don’t sandbag the Grand Finals at Evo. You can’t take the most important event the community has and take a shit on it to spite some people that annoy you in the scene.
That’s as disrespectful as you can possibly get. If you didn’t think the smash scene was shit before, they’ve gone full pool shitter now.
It’s not fucking “just some people in the audience” man. It was EVERYONE! No one fucking gave them any respect. Grand Finals at EVO SHOULD mean something. But the entire Smash Community took that from them before they ever took the stage for Grand Finals. That wasn’t EVO Grand Finals. As far as the Smash Community was concerned, and you can look at any current media outlet to see, it was nothing more than confirmation of the Funeral of the game.
I don’t particularly feel bad for the TOs, though obviously I acknowledge the incredible efforts it takes to put on any Tournament. But they did their job getting the tourney to the finals, and the players ultimately finished the job. They didn’t do a single illegal thing, there was no collusion to make sure there was a pot split. They were simply players that stopped giving a fuck about winning because winning EVO for Smash 4 didn’t mean anything anymore. If the TOs take umbrage with it, then they need to make sure that Smash as a whole does not exist past this tourney. Because this isn’t a problem with “two dumb kids”. This is just a symptom of a cancerous community that knows nothing but bile and spite.
Sandbagging, aka intentionally playing worse than your ability.
They sandbagged by giving Homie Stocks (essentially intentionally losing a Stock to “make up” for their opponent making a stupid mistake that involved them losing a stock), having a staring contest for 90 seconds and essentially just playing wild and loose. Comparing their play there, to their play right before hand it was pretty obvious what they were doing and they were making no attempts to hide it.
Because it’s not about the game, it’s about the community and whether it honestly should ever be invited back. Most people blame the two players, I blame the entire community as a whole. They were the cause of what happened. This is them getting their ugliness and pettiness thrown back at them and forcing them to look in the mirror.
First off I don’t watch Smash and have no idea what went on besides what I just read. Anyways, Smash isn’t going any where. Smash Ultimate will definitely be at EVO 2019 whether people here like it or not.
But what Wiz and company could do is set a example by banning these two players. I remember hearing something similar happened with Soul Calibur GF years ago and that those two were banned. They gotta do the same here to send a message again to everybody else.
If he bans them, then I guarantee shit like this just happens in the future with this community. Soul Calibur was different as it was just blatant collusion from the start with a pot split.
He probably SHOULD reprimand them, I’ll agree with that. You certainly can’t let that go unchecked, that’s just asking for issues. But he needs to call out the entire community for their actions.
It isn’t a smash thing. Its doing the most disrespectful thing you could do in the biggest possible stage: sandbagging the grandfinals at Evo.
That’s just…
you don’t do that. You shouldn’t do it at a smaller event. You definitely shouldn’t do it at a major. You should be a certified lunatic to do it at Evo. But it happened.
both players need to get banned, free. GGs. You don’t think this tournament is serious then you don’t need to come back.
Then we simply won’t agree on this and I’m sure you’ll consider me a disrespectful idiot for it. But it is what it is. But I’m completely washing my hands of the Smash community. It’s completely wretched and they deserved every single bit of that.
Look, you can’t sandbag the Marquee event of the year.
This was some bullshit when it happened with MvC3 and now this is the Grandest of Bullshit possible. It’s…I don’t even know what to call it at this point. Probably the most ridiculous thing to happen at Evo.
Like I said, we will not agree on this whatsoever. You could hold a gun to my face threatening to blow my brains out if I didn’t see it the other way and I’d still go down putting my blame in the community and not those players. And no, I don’t believe that’s what you’re doing, you are putting forth good arguments as to why the players should be blamed.
Honestly, I would’ve rather them just flipped off the entire crowd and had them walk away and have no Grand Finals whatsoever.