SFV Lounge: Cammy at the Falken bottom, Makoto is in final phases, Leo Alex is broken

I think you need permission to stream CPT.
Might be different if it’s just re-streaming rather than making it part of someone’s own stream.

I remember Vesper talking about it and he couldn’t just watch it on stream without clearance.

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This image is :fire:


I was watching BrianF stream last night and holy shit 801 strider makes the G/Balrog match up look free.

Stream ideas:

Casual room - when nothing else is going on, if we set a time someone could just stream a generic casual room with several of us. This would be when there isn’t something more profound

Random Select tournament - self explanatory. Fun tournament that balances out skill levels a bit.

Edit: I would be happy to stream the casual room, when I am available


A couple of notes on Kolin and @Akhos, plus comments from personal review.

  1. Be careful with the spacing on jab hands. It’s a really great, safe-ish way to confirm random stuff. But it’s not really safe if not spaced well. ED in particular can punish into his uppercut which had stronger than average oki. Basically, having this blocked to close can ruin the whole match because Kolin is bad on her back foot.

  2. Use lows. Akhos and many players like to back walk a lot, for good reason as it saves them from some of the bigger damage hits. Use your cMK. I tended to avoid this a lot because it had no combo options, but I’ve been trying to get more comfortable with the idea of just taking my 60 dmg and a little bit of space. Kolin is +1 after a block too, so you don’t fully lose your turn.

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I did a little research, and it looks like if we wind up streaming from multiple devices, such as multiple playstations, we would need to re-link them each time. This is fairly easy, but still kind of a pain in the ass. Just FYI.

My guess is they balanced it all around his walk speed being horrifically slow, kinda like how they “balance” Akuma by giving him low health

Not excusing that he is broken as all hell but its the best conclusion I have

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If you think Bison is broken, then I don’t think you realize what broken means.

Appreciate it man.

I’m definitely still getting a feel for when I can get away with LP Para. I got way too used to doing autopilot FBs with G. It took me a bit just to override doing Para on block in general and actually try to confirm HP hands so I don’t die. :slight_smile:

And you are very right about the lows. Part of this game is that it makes one thirsty for combos so it is easy to dismiss single hits but those add up and her cr.MK is a great poke. I tried to throw it out to check in the mid-range but my timing on it sucked and I ended up eating CHs for it. Need to get a better feel for that button.

One of the things I liked with Laura was that you could get st.LK, cr.LK, cr.LP as a block string up close and it was remarkable how often that cr.LK would catch people. Even if it isn’t the same thing doing something similar to check walk back is important.

Big thing is just getting more comfortable with Kolin and her buttons in general. I really like playing her, maybe more than G on the average. However I don’t find her nearly as fun to lab and I need to work on just getting in there and working on stuff for her.

Also random: with UNIST making the EVO cut I’m firing that back up to try and at least stay literate. Damn that game is fun. So easy to fall into the training mode vortex.

As @Akhos mentioned, Kolin doesn’t have a lot of ranges, so it’s very easy to just stay out of her way. cMK in particular is a touch slow, and relatively (for a medium) wiff punishable. I have been guilty of trying to use it to poke through Ed’s punches… which doesn’t work. Then I stop using it… which also doesn’t work.

Ahh good ole’ Bison downplay, been a minute.

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You were asking for it.

I get you but the walkspeed is hardly an issue when the character can approach you with ease.

Ex devil,normals that move him forward and are plus on block and teleport dash that passed through stuff.

Idk if I would call Bison broken but he gets too much damage for low risk factor imo.

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Bison doesn’t really do BS, he just does things you can’t do fuck all about.

My hot take.

Honest question: Have you seriously tried playing Bison against anyone with a brain cell? It’s the best way to find and understand the answer you seek.

Bison is the strongest he’s been since CvS2. This is undeniable. But as evidenced by the best Bisons, he still has to work for his wins.

The question you should be asking is: with everything considered, is SF5 Bison fair?


A Bison fanboy says Bison is fair, more news at 8.


Yea I’m getting paired with gm bisons rather often.

I do lose but I take games as well.But I do not play him myself.That doesn’t mean I can’t have an opinion.

But if you are implying there’s some sort of struggle while playing Bison then just don’t bother.


recreated clothes and hair, untouched facial detail and body structure.



SF2 in-game

Super SF2


SF3 yo!!


Base/Default Ryu



Honestly took me a while to realize that this fanart is not about Chun looking like she is giving a BJ by accident…

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Yeah that last bit is another problem I have. If I try something and it fails I kick it out of the mental queue and don’t try it again for awhile. That habit helps to keep me from doing the same dumb thing over and over but it also means I get dissuaded from doing some things way too quickly. Which narrows my options and makes me even more predictable.