SFV Lounge: Cammy at the Falken bottom, Makoto is in final phases, Leo Alex is broken

If you are so sure of your opinion, then it shouldn’t be a concern of yours to actually play him and assess the risk/rewards for yourself instead of putting out a question that you’ve already made up your mind about the answer.

I do that a lot too.

I chalke a lot of it up to newness. When something doesn’t work, often times I will assume it’s a bad tactic, rather than operator (me) error. Playing other people helps remedy that, I play @Akhos a bunch, as a result he knows my tendencies pretty well, and sometimes I wind up with too much tunnel vision.

Also, Akhos has my number I think…

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Bison being fair doesn’t mean that his design isn’t retarded. A character that is almost always plus on block and doesn’t really have to commit to anything is going to seem cheap ofcourse and he does have cheapness to him.

Don’t tell me that a random Bison dash that happen to pass through a poke from my character is the epitome of skill. He just did a random dash and got rewarded when every other character would have gotten punished and worst of all, it was totally unintentional from the Bison. He just lucked out and stuff like that make people think he is cheap.


Sry, I thought this is a forum.

As in, asking a question and debate different opinions.

That’s the reason why I raised up the question in the first place.


lol, Deamos lives in a perpetual state of triggered if you mention how silly Bison’s pressure is.


His pressure, his look, his persona, his moves and of course the dumb smile.

Denial is the first stage.

We will see what stage comes next when Capcom drops the nerf hammer on bison.

Jokes aside, personally I think he just need a few small tweaks.


I want Bison’s SF4 Samurai Armor looking outfit in SFV. Once that happens I will protect Bison like Daemos. Also just make Chun-li motion based so she can be top tear.

Also remove dashing from SFV. Sooner or later they’ll see…

Speaking of that, I do wonder why they made Vega motion based.

I mean,just why ?

Yeah for as nutty as they can be I find playing online randos really cathartic after playing Akhos a bunch. They are way worse and less observant so I can kind of do my thing a bit more and figure stuff out. Downside is that they are way worse and less observant so I get away with more stuff too.

I think Akhos has both of our numbers. By playing him a bunch we are only making him stronger. You saw that last YT vid, it was all curated losses. He is a learning computer and we just keep feeding him more data. :stuck_out_tongue:

Because Vega is about GOOD NORMALS but people complained he didn’t have CAWMBOWS. In order for him to have more CAWMBOWS they made him motion; that way he could convert from normals without needing charge. But because he has a better ability of getting big damage, they nerfed his normals a little bit.

Now people complain that he isn’t about GOOD NORMALs but they also don’t like his CAWMBOWS. They also hate his command grab and his overhead. People are just never happy.

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That stream layout looks great and it’s a good idea.
It’d be cool if it caught some attention and brought back some older members and new too. I used to be a member in the sf4 days and I know with all the alternatives it’ll never return to that form but I definitely wouldn’t mind seeing some life brought back to the forums. Not to put the cart before the horse but maybe down the line you could do some games besides sf5 if anybody on here was playing them to give other sub forums a boost.

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Command Vega makes sense more than Charge Vega. If a character is supposed to be about mobility and normals then a command move set does make more sense over a charge one.

At least in this game. A character like SF4 Bison would be bottom tier in SFV

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Play ST and say that again you coward.


Man this is an unprecedented level of dictator downplay. Bison isn’t fucking hard. Need to go find that vid with the GM bison that stomped the shit out of Bonchan with yolo dash, Ex Dr, psycho axe and slide. Definitely skilled outplay lmao.

Just gotta figure out how to crack his particular brand of defense. I have a much easier time opening other players up, even other ones at or above his level.

He’s right, it’s the shimmy which is missing from my offense, but at the moment, my shimmying is kinda poor, so it doesn’t work great.

The other thing is, he plays super passive, which, since my offense isn’t great, give me less opportunities to get something going. Basically, I will still hang myself sometimes if given enough rope, and he just keeps handing out lengths.

That’s actually why I don’t know if he gets as much from our matches, as, at the moment, I can’t really push him out of the comfort zone.

I thought Vega being a motion character made a lot of sense. Usually charge characters are charge because their specials are so good that they need charge to balance that out. Aside from ST (which, for obvious reasons, doesn’t count because of how absurdly broken walldives were), Vega has never had a special that’s in that category. Maybe RCF, but that’s a move that could easily be made into a motion move if you just made it unsafe (like they did in this game iirc).

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Charge or motion Vega doesn’t really matter if his tools are mediocre either way.

I actually think motion Vega makes sense. If he was still a charge “buttonz” character he’d be even worse than he is now since he’d need Menat tier buttons to be viable.

Tbh I feel it’s a bit if a missed opportunity by Capcom if they wanted to do something different for Vega.

Should maybe make him motion clawless and charge with the claw.Having normals and specials for both stances, be them good or bad.

I’m surprised how everyone misses the point.
Wait this is SRK, I’m not surprised actually not in the slightest.

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