SFV Lounge: Cammy at the Falken bottom, Makoto is in final phases, Leo Alex is broken

All of Menat’s normals should be charge motions


You are a wonderful person.

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I like the idea of what they have done with Vega, but he just has a lot of overlap with other characters.

Is he a neutral/RTSD toggle character? That’s Zeku or Karin. Is he a buttons character? That’s Chun or Menat.

I’d almost rather them scrap the character and incorporate his stuff into other cast members, where applicable.

Nah no way, Vega is iconic.Spanish ninja deserves to be in all SF games.

One of the guy’s helping me, @CloudEnvy (tapping him because he said he’d been wanting to help streaming and the one putting all the stuff where it goes in the twitch channel) mentioned that we could have basically a list of people the SRK_Forums twitch channel would host. That way it can be used as a gateway for others to get shine.

So users can watch you on the SRK_Forums channel or on your own. That way we aren’t bouncing around the channel password but still have it showing content. Would also help with the multiple device issue you mentioned.


Okay, that makes sense. So, in an example, I would stream a casual room to my channel, and have it hosted on the SRK forums one.

That seems simple enough.

Nah I’d rather Vega be absent from SF6 than for him to be bad for the third game in a row. Hell even if you think Vega is great Capcom clearly has no idea where they want to take the character. That’s why every patch is random buffs and reverts of previous changes.

Intentionally making characters mediocre is a terrible way to balance a character. Right now there is little reason to play him over Zeku.

Where do you take him though? The way some of the core parts of his move set work, he’s kinda going to be weak or dumb.

So yeah, I’d just as soon retire the Spanish ninja. Make chun buttons game better to compensate.

Yeah, that idea has three really positive things going for it:

  1. We’d still be in charge of the content streaming on the forum page.
  2. We don’t have to give the password to a million people.
  3. It lets people develop content independently at their own pace.
  4. Makes it easier to have them on the twitch page because it reduces the back end stuff.

and 5 is the really good one:

  1. It lets forum members use the main twitch page as a spring board. They can always see them on the SRK_Forums twitch and just go to their OG channel and follow them separately or subscribe to support them directly.

Reading all of these ideas. Will make a document on them. Some more back end stuff and hopefully we can start streaming soon.

Edit: originally 3 was three things then I started writing and more came up. :man_shrugging:


Bison’s Dash does make some unintentional coolness though. One time at the final round, I throw an ex tornado when we were both low on health. He just dashes through so I just say fuck it and mk ruffian at him. Not only did it hit, it sent hik back to the tornado and got me the game. Prob my proudest moment in game, especially since he ragequitted right after.


What exactly are you supposed to do stop bisons dash?
Out of habit of stopping dashes I hit a button and fuck myself over.

Outside VT1 bison dash is pretty manageable. Once he pops trigger trying to check his dash can get you fucked.

Edit: I get a lot of mileage with Sakura cr. Mp against his dashes. Buttons with good active frames work well imo.

Maybe it was during vt that it happened most recently.

That’s what I figured, something that stays out longer to catch him.

It doesn’t even matter they just need to commit to a direction. Right now they have him dipping into every pot and his tools have to be mediocre because of it.

Make him a full stance character OR a full button zoning character OR a full hybrid grappler. But better yet how about we don’t redesign characters just for the sake of it.

Capcom is being the gf/wife who says she’s hungry but won’t just pick a place to eat.

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But SF5 is all about redesigning the wheel. how can you ask for that?

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Vega gets pulled into 50 directions because people want 50 different directions with him.

He’s a ninja, so he needs to be fast and flashy.
No he’s about the claw he only needs good ranged buttons.
He should be able to do Combos!
No he needs good pokes.

For fucks sake, I don’t want to be a dev with this fucking community not being able to make up their god damn mind.


I know you say this sarcastically but tbh with how the redesigns have done more bad than good (of course there are exceptions) and some flat out didnt need it then yeah its time to stop

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Except that most of the world warriors still do the same thing they’ve always done, and the ones who don’t (like Bison) clearly have a clear direction in design.

I’m not saying it sarcastically at all. It took Capcom 3 years to give Ryu a functioning fireball. SF5 was made out of a hilarious amount of hubris.
