SFV Lounge: Cammy at the Falken bottom, Makoto is in final phases, Leo Alex is broken

Figures, that first set was fine

Guess we can try one more time and if it’s still butt we can try again in like 15 minutes or something

Sure yeah. Who knows with CFN. If it’s still laggy we can reconvene tomorrow and see if it’s better after the hamsters get to rest.

Eh don’t plan on going too deep into this discussion but bottom line I agree with Dime. Jumpins should be netting 300 dmg meterless at the minimum and with a bar I’d push it too high 300’s/low 400’s. Jumpin to a super should definitely be over 50%.

Alternatively a heavy normal should be 100-120 damage. Keeping with the aerial theme anything less and characters who use normals as AA’s (non-juggle) simply cannot dissuade jumping enough without banking on the reset.

But moving on, can anyone name some high level Vega players? I just want to have recommendations for anyone entering my Vega thread(s).

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Now it’s fine on my end…still ass on yours?

Okay here.

Uhhhhh no wait it’s lagging super bad that’s why I’m losing. Yeaaaah.


I mean just because you’re single now doesn’t mean you have to download that much porn :upside_down_face:

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Look man I never know when I’m gonna need what so the safest option is to always be downloading.

GGs @GetTheTables

Couple things; after crmk xx VTC, stmp xx EX hands should reach from pretty much any range as long as you didn’t catch a limb. And stlk xx LP Hands is your best friend in neutral

Also practice your anti-airs, Kolin doesn’t have the one button beats all situation (since crhp has a bit of a wonky hitbox for jump-ins closer to her)

Side note, I know @FlyingVe says he likes my G but his neutral still doesn’t feel right to me. I dunno. Probably the walkspeed and how short ranged his fireball is, even if it’s still a good poke

I’m not particluarly caring what the masses think. If you, or anyone else for that matter actually watches the matches and counts the number of confirms per game, per round. It’s pretty easy to see that the average amount of touches is a very significant number. This is even bigger in S4 with v pop nerfs. Though I agree with that nerf specifically.

I’m never the person that says “oh the masses say it, so it’s correct” I think for myself, largely based on what I see, not what people tell me but can’t themselves prove.

GGs man, and thanks for the advice.

I left Kolin in a really basic state in terms of practice so there is a lot to work on. Right when I thought I had her locked in for S4 I messed around with G and went back around the character cycles again. I’ve been debating it off and on all week and I can’t come up with an answer; my brain says Kolin but my heart says G. So short term I’m throwing chars into matches and seeing how they feel. Just debating it is getting me nowhere.

I’ve had the same feelings with G, for what that is worth. I think it is a combination of his pokes not reaching quite as far as at least I think they should (SFV the quote), his slower walkspeed, his buttons being a titch slower than comparable ones on other chars, and the fireball like you said. Its perfectly angled to only really be used in the range where he can get jumped on so it is always risky, though at level 3 he can wing it from a lot farther out.

For what it’s worth I think G is a better fit for you out of the hybrid grapplers than most of the others but I dunno that I’d rank him especially high on the list of things you like to do. I still see you with a squirrely little fucker like Ed, Ken, or even Cammy if you really want to slum the tier barrel. But that is just my $0.02. I can’t say too much based on success rates. :wink:

Speaking of that, general gameplay question: how are you moving around my pokes so well? Part of this I need to hit the tapes to review and think on it but I’d also like your view on it. Its a broad question and I know I’ve got a lot to work on in the footsies department so “you are bad and should feel bad” may be the correct answer. That is one of the main things I focus on during our matches and I feel like I am learning a lot, even if I’m still getting clobbered on the reg (but that is the price of learning).

If we’re talking just your Kolin, since you’re still in the starting phase you’re pressing a lot of the same buttons and have a particular timing/pattern to it. It helps that, outside of her bhk (and even then only a little bit), Kolin’s buttons all hit around the same range, so it’s a lot easier to stand at a point where I know that pretty much anything she has will whiff, or I can walk back and make whiff. Unless she has that stupid VT2 active and then I’m not playing Street Fighter anymore

As for what the pattern is…I guess it’s just a timing thing, it’s hard to describe in technical terms but there’s a specific point you like to press something after a button is blocked, or in reaction to what I’m doing. Makes it easier to whiff punish/stuff things in combination with the above. It’s when you’d deviate from the pattern that I’d get smacked around more.

Keep reviewing the tapes and I’m sure you’ll spot what I mean. I fall into patterns myself that you can probably spot as well

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Don’t tell me that don’t look good.

Members working behind the scenes. You guys wanna get good, we gonna get ourselves good and make everybody else come in here.


Muchos garcias amigo

That was what I was thinking it might be. It is really interesting because of how fine grain it is. Also hard to do when you’re bouncing around chars (as you pointed out) so I’ll try to be mindful of it.

I think that is the thing about SF that makes it so compelling: the little interactions that can get glazed over in a game where the offense and defense is “bigger” (though this kind of stuff is definitely still there in those games). Even in an iteration with jank buttons.

And yeah Kolin’s ice hands sure are dumb.


Getting the ball rolling, getting the ball rolling.

Sunday nights appear to be productive.

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balls are good both kano and blanka have balls

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Unless its CvS2, I prefer headbutts and buttslams.

Honda Da GAWD.

Edit: BTW, if you guys have any ideas on streams you want to have on the SRK_Forums account, let me know. Sure we have a handful of people doing some stuff for it, but ultimately it succeeds or fails as a community effort.

I dunno, fighting games? whats the general plan for this?

I could also potentially add it to my host list since I got almost 6k followers on twitch that could help


Super short term goal is all the basics in place for the twitch page. @appo hooked it up with the avatar and background pics, a different SRKer is doing the overlays. I need to fill out the info page with all the good stuffs.

After all is said and done, we gotta stream the :wastebasket: tournament. If we elongate so that it last a couple of weeks, we could have some must see TV for a month or two. While that’s going on its basically coming up with fun stuff to stream. Have some other ideas in the back pocket. But I don’t want it to be Pertho’s stream, people putting up ideas that they’re willing to give a shot to get a spot type of thing.


stream channel idea : restream important cpt events from time to time so that community members can use the channels chat to communicate with each other while watching it. this way you avoid the mass spam on the origin channel while enjoying the show and during that you dont need to use the forum as a chat which happened in the past.

maybe you want to share the account infos with deviljin so that he can initiate stuff too?