SFV Lounge: Cammy at the Falken bottom, Makoto is in final phases, Leo Alex is broken

DJ fighting Kbrad.

Do your thing!


I would actually like to listen to that S.Kelly rant.

Yeah, I said big damage games DONT need comeback mechanics.

Few to non of those reasons actually make the game big damage. There are certain characters that qualify for big damage, and quite a few that don’t.

Karin when optimized is a big damage character, one of the only ones in the game.
The other tend to be grapplers or slow bastards that can do big damage IF they get a perfect starter and also meter dump.

Situationally sf5 is big damage but the vast majority of big damage situations are unrealistic.

Like I don’t understand how you can compare 3s damage to sf5 damage. In 3s chun makes bar like stupid and her cr.mk xx super does 40% or more into a strong mixup.

In sf5, her cr.mk xx ex legs does less than 20% and goes into an ok mixup.

Her cr.mk xx super does way less than 40% and the meter takes an entire round to gain.

Geneijin takes like 5 seconds to gain meter for and 50-60% off of the easiest starters iirc.

To me a “high damage” game is usually 2-3 confirms (2 of them meterless) or 8 pokes or so.

Sf5 “in general” is a 5 confirm game and that’s when one of them is a super confirm. Stuff like Light light xx special and medium medium xx special tends to do like 100 and 180 damage respectively, without meter. Add in meter and you get a boost to around 130-230 respectively. That’s still 4 medium confirms to do less than 1000 damage which is the average health.

There ARE certain situational strings and combos and oki that can kill in 3 shots (old zeku can kill Cammy in one mixup off of various oki stuff if the perfect things happen) But those situations don’t come up often at all… outside v trigger on hit comebacks for certain characters. And once again those tend to be very character driven.

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Yesterday i was playing as Cody, while i was in VT2. A guy tried to neutral jump after i landed a zonk to escape a command grab, i did regular throw and OS’ed with upward swing.

So it was upward swing, US, MK Ruffian xx regular swing xx CA for like 560 damage or something like that, from a situation that will likely happen with a decent amount of regularity.

M.Bison does retarded damage, regularly and easily. Even Chun-Li can get more than 300 damage meterless with a jump in now.

About 30% meterless from a jump is a pretty high value man. Birdie’s VT1 EX command grab does around 277 or 280 which is also relatively high for a command grab for example.

So you had VT AND super and did a bit more than half life and you call that big damage? Lol. And yeah I did say command grabbers (and Karin) are the only ones that ever really get big damage (vt2 makes cody a command grabber) And even then it’s hyper situational.
That cody example is the guts because you have vt2 AND super and your mans did a neutral jump. If he had jumped forward or back do you still get that big damage?

Chun requires a jumpin and only in season 4 did she get a damage buff. S 2.5-3.5 her damage was horrendous outside highly situational stuff.

Once again, situational is basically anything that isn’t medium medium or light light starter.

Even v pop is kinda meh since the damage is one time onky ans onky on hit most of the time. Waste your pop on block and your round damage has gone way down.

Watch s2 Laura and see how many comebacks at high level were her getting st.mk xx v trigger (on hit, on defense) into v trigger oki into stun into dead. But that was once again situational stuff. Though yeah in her case it was a situation that the best guys saw a lot of.

30% meterless from a jumpin is pathetic. Should be atleast 50% this isn’t patty cakes.

People complain about one-and-dones in SFV but that’s the life of Smash online

90% of the time, win or lose, they don’t bother rematching. I think I’ve only gotten like 2 players overall that rematched several times in a row

Meanwhile in SFV I think I’ve only gotten one-and-done’d like 2-3 times. Go figure.

Anyways anyone playing tonight @FlyingVe @GetTheTables @Doctrine_Dark @DevilJin_01

yeah don’t @ me it’s fine whatever ahahaahhahahahahahaha YOU KNOW WHO YOUR REAL FRIENDS ARE

Maybe later.

I’m playing minecraft with friends. SFV was too patty cakes, so I wanted to play a manly game.

Only 'cause our connection isn’t very good, as you stated it makes it difficult to learn properly when I’m probably getting away with tons of nonsense :frowning:

We don’t talk about dead people in here


Yeah sure I’m up for some games. On now.

Actually i still get the double swing to.MK Ruffian if they jumped in any direction yeah lol

Also, 560 as an antiair is pretty fucking good damage


Man you know those kids dont want to rematch. Don’t want to learn.

I’m probably just going to continue grinding ranked tonight but I’ll let you know.

My take on it is that the 3 confirm situations are way more common than you say especially when you consider the stun system. Laura is definitely one of those characters that can abuse the stun system and tear off 50 percent of your life or more if you get one hit stunned. Meaning essentially if she one hit stuns you you are going to die period.

Just no way to convince the masses that this is a low damage game and even by the numbers and situations it’s a pretty high damage game.

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The original discussion was that you don’t need heavy comeback mechanics when characters naturally do big damage. Saying that you can get big damage with your VT is pretty much exactly the point.

And like I said SFV appears to have high damage because offensive situations are common. Just because the masses think something doesn’t make them correct. People thought that the earth was flat for centuries.

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You get pretty big damage either way tbh, a LOT of the optimal combo enders in V also give you the best oki scenario, which is something that’s usually given up on max damage.

And people still do :neutral_face:

@GetTheTables Did you start downloading something it’s literally unplayable for me right now

Nah man I had the same spike. CFN just shit the bed. Nothing on my end is hitting the network.

I swear I’m not pulling Twin Strats despite the char usage.