SFV Lounge: Cammy at the Falken bottom, Makoto is in final phases, Leo Alex is broken

Nothing wrong with being Falken good. Falke is right and slows the game down. Good to see you were able to overcome the c.LP shot thing and make Falke your best.

Mhike calls s.MP the sword and knows how to use it.

you might be thinking of guard shield, because that costs grid.
Simple shield you get to do as many as you like.

I told you before, I don’t think you have the mindset to play a great Gief, I understand you love him and you played him for ages, but when we used to play you always seemd to rush in and bet the farm if under pressure. It’s not to say you shouldn’t play him, but it’s ok for him not to be your best character.

speaking of grapplers, FUCK THIS GUY

I have been playing a more lame game with him now, trying to bully people into the corner with buttons.
But it is not working as good as with Falke where I am boring people to death.
It is clear that Falke is my main in SFV now, but I want my Gief to be closer in level to her.

Also, why hate on fair and honest Clark? If you are going to hate on a KOF grappler, Goro is the one to go for!


Here’s my take on a come back mechanic. I’ve been around the traps, i’m old, I think I know how this shit works.

The worst comeback mechanic is a free shot at winning the round, which ironically what most comeback mechanics are. The reasons that this sucks is simple - you account for the lowest possible skill level, which is the exact opposite of what Fighting Games are designed for. A fighting game is for the most part - tactics. Once you take tactics out and replace it with school grade game play, it dilutes the game.

What I think a comeback mechanic should be is a high powered item that takes practice and skill because it shows that your opponent has learned a skill that 's above the base level. It dangles a carrot as if to say - if you learn this thing, you can overcome a stronger opponent - but it’s not going to come easy.

You never want a game where you feel like you lost to a player that didn’t know how the game worked. Unfortunately thats what SF5 has a lot of the time.


Comeback mechanics are flawed by design because you aren’t helping the losing player presumably until they’re losing by a lot. It creates a situation where if you’re waiting that long you have to be super heavy handed with your help and risk the loser being able to swing the match. If you don’t boost them enough it just means the player winning will simply wait to get their boost then seal their win. Both situations are unfavorable.

What should be happening is that the losing player should be getting small, incremental boosts as the game goes on to keep the game interesting. But this requires characters that are not designed from the ground up to be weak as hell until half dead.


Looks like the Tiger Lord got married. Congrats to Bonchan!


I think SF5 did comeback better than 4 at least but not better than 3. But I personally prefer ST, where the only truly respectable come back is an OTD combo.

But the whining about that damage then is what sent us on this roller coaster ride that lead us back to high damage in SF5. As I said it’s better than 4 except for the aspect that characters feel incomplete until they unlock their VT . I have mixed feelings about that, but it’s just a feeling as the characters themselves do have a lot of tools at their disposal outside of VT. At least it’s more interesting than an Ultras.

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I must be in the extreme minority for this, but short of Mario Kart style rubber-banding I don’t mind come back mechanics.

Yeah, the opponents’ options expand as the game goes on. Just part of the game.


yeah fair, oh look I stopped jumping because his jumps were beating mine and here’s half of my life out of a command grab that even a fucking toddler can combo off

Was the site down for anyone else?


Yup for a few hours. It’s like something’s missing from my life when it happened lol.


I’ve had the page open here for the past few hours, I was wondering why no one was posting

Same here. But then i tried to ask who was lurking and SRK was like “no”.

I missed you.


Cool,the site is back up.

SFV matches are cool overall,you can really play some nice footsies as previewed in this video but then the other guy just activates v-trigger and it turns into a clusterfuck.

Clean match all round, vtrigger pop at second 55.

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What BB used to do was have some passive meter gain when a player was low on health.

This was factored into health allocation, as some characters, such as ragna, had half his health in the last 1/4 of his health bar, so he spent more time at critical health.

I liked this because, while it gave the losing player a bit more omph to make a comeback, it didn’t really change the rules of interaction for the game.

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Psychic Force was kind of awesome about their comeback mechanic. Meter regen normally and was consumef by specials. The more health you lost, the more the special meter could expand so you could use higher specials/had access to the bigger meter using ones.

Thought it was a neat mechanic.


Watching Sanford “Everything in this game is bad. It’s not a good game.” Kelly. Has some interesting insight on the game and why he feels the way he does about. He’s also discussing some interesting Zeku stuff. A shame he hates the game.

As far as comeback mechanics go, I like Burst. Helps you exactly at the moment you need it (while getting hit or comboed), it is efficient at it, never wins the game on its own, just gives you another shot, and can still be fished by the winning player so it still requires proper timing.

But yeah fuck tying unique and best moves under a revenge meter