SFV Lounge: Cammy at the Falken bottom, Makoto is in final phases, Leo Alex is broken

Combo breakers are eh as a fix really. Combo breakers are happening inherently through the match any way and more of the issue with Instincts is KI is what they do for the character in neutral. There are definitely some characters that just neutrally shut down the match once their instinct is up and getting a combo breaker only puts you back in the neutral BS instead of combo BS. If you get locked out or counter broken RIP.

Like I’m not going to give a shit if I combo break out of Kan Ra’s, Gargos’ or General Raam’s instinct post activate. Damage is already done if they are activated. Gargos is pretty much dealing with KI’s Jack O once he activates.

Yeah the plus frames is the biggest issue with the VTC as it’s pretty much a free mix up and getting hit means bad times. This is why you have to play a character that’s good at pressuring so you can force the Mikas, Kolin’s, Lauras, Rashids and Akumas to V Reversal every once in a while and mitigate when they get to it.

It also shows how strong Ibuki’s VTC was that the best way to felt to fix it was to make all of her normal VTC’s minus on block (still get pseudo mix ups from it any way).


Oh yes, there are definitely still balance issues with KI instincts. I was mostly pointing out that the concept isn’t as inherently flawed in that engine as it is in SF.

You are in luck, they are addressing that


That defeats the purpose of the revenge meter, which fundamentally guarantees a revenge attack if you are damaged sufficiently.

I think a better way to go on about what you are proposing is to reduce/remove the v-gauge you get from CCs as the CC state is reward enough.

Then look at how to balance vskills best.


I like to throw the comparison of VTs to other “comeback” mechanics present in other games. VTs are like the most prevalent comeback mechanic I’ve seen in an FG, they do so much and against some characters I would easily say the round doesn’t truly start until they pop VT(Necalli). Meanwhile in older/other games comebacks go as far as a cinematic super attack that’s quite easy to play around, or some increased damage multipliers. I’d take that and have strength pumped into the base characters over this.

VTs as a mechanic suck. They’ve stripped baseline strength from a lot of the cast and they’re also making comebacks the expectancy not the exception.


Which FG did you played that have the best comeback mechanic and the most awful in your personal experience guys.

Which comeback mechanic was the most satisfying comeback that you have played?

None, lmao. Comeback mechanics dilute the tension and hype of a comeback by trying to feed you one.

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I second this especially the dashing in. I only watched the first and second rounds of the timestamp, but it became very clear that VE was baiting the blocked st.hk and waiting to jump a v skill or fireball. In times like this the clear answer is only 2 things:

  1. Walk up and bulldog the opponent and force them to the corner or to press buttons
  2. Dash in and make their hesitation to press buttons or play offensively, a mistake. The thing is, you can’t really play against someone being defensive, so you have to force their hand positionally speaking by walking them to about 25% edge of the stage. At that point the spacing becomes “real” and most people don’t want to back them selves fully into the corner.

I’ve learned to bulldog people to that position and it makes walking them “to the corner” much easier since most people don’t actually want to walk themselves fully into the corner.

But if they do… even better. The weaker player is almost always the one playing defensive, either by choice or because they can’t outspace their opponent. The game really becomes a way to try and enforce that weaker position which admittedly is much harder in this game than in years past.

I don’t know, SF attempts were dogshit this far.

And the “comeback” mechanics in anime, can also be used to stop said comebacks.
Allthough landing a Gold Burst and then getting that one pixel comeback feels soooo gooooooood!

It has no airdash, no air blocks (you can block some projectile while airbone) and one of the best ressource mechanics in GRD you will find.

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Yeah but the problem is, people want the games to be low damage. And low damage plus a shortish timer… means comebacks aren’t really ever going to happen much. THEN you also make the game have terrible hard mixups (but lots of soft mixups) and it makes it even worse because now time is running out, you don’t have meter for a super. Your down 60% life or so with 20 seconds. There isn’t much way to come back from that outside of the opponent dropping the controller. This makes the games rather boring once a big enough lifelead occurs.

The answer of course is just big damage. Big damage means you are fighting for the win constantly and even if down something like opponent has a perfect and you have 5%… you can still make a comeback if 2-3 full meterless combos secure a win. Outside of that, comebacks can be momentum driven. But once again, if it’s low damage the clock becomes a hugely important participant.

This is why comeback mechanics exist. They are a by product of the games themselves. People have asked for badly designed games and comeback mechanics are part of the way to make the games better in light of the bad initial design concept.

But VT being the worst comeback mechanic? LOL.

Nope. Look no further than mvc3 X factor if you want to see the most cracked out comeback mechanic there ever was. Literally have anchor characters killing an entire 3 man team in less than 10 seconds.


Hence “I’ve seen”, I didn’t fuck with MvC3 or any Marvel for that.

And big damage games work fine without comeback mechanics, Tekken just has soft comeback mechanics.

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air assault, air shield.

I love high damage so SFV’s damage doesn’t bother me. Long as it isn’t like S2 Rog levels of stupid for the lack of effort I’m good.


Well it’s an air hop and shield are basically one button parrys, that work like a beafed up Just Defence.
How many could you do in one string again 5?
If you misstime them or chose the wrong one, it will also break your GRD gauge.

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SFV isn’t high damage though that’s the point Dime is making. Outside of a couple picks it’s only high damage when VT’s are popped. SFV has the illusion of high damage due to the momentum, offensive based nature of the game.

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Why does Bison hit so hard for a character who doesn’t really commit that much ?

I am trying to figure out Capcom’s way of thinking when it comes to balancing,impossible as it may be.

You have a character that is almost always plus frames and gets rewarded for pressing buttons often because there are little consequences.

Bison feels like a low risk high reward character to me now.

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I believe SFV is a high damage game. For reasons.

  • You get very strong access to meterless/one meter damage off of single buttons. Particularly medium and heavy ones. This is very much like 3S and why rounds in 3S can end super quick.

  • Sitting on super is very important in this game as it’s your main way to do heavy burst damage without relying on V Trigger and also allows you chip outs. Supers have minimum 50 percent scaling so you take boat loads of damage on a clean hit into super and quite a few of the strong characters in the game are heavily reliant on these big bursts into super to get back in.

  • Triggers for obvious reasons

  • EX DPs taking 120 percent damage on hit. This makes the damage even more ridiculous now as EX DP is one of the only ways in the game to truly get out of a frame trap or meaty situation scot free attack throw or projectile without having to spend a whole super. Lot of the better characters rely on these EX DPs to get out of shit, but now if Abigail sniffs out a bad DP the damage will be essentially astronomical.

Like other than the game not having ST/Marvel 3 TOD levels of damage there’s plenty of ways both momentum and pure clean hit wise to do ass loads of damage in this game.

I would say outside of this forum it’d be hard to find anyone saying SFV isn’t a high damage game.


I was watching a couple battle lounge matches you had vs a Plat Dictator.

Basically one of your problems is you EX DP way too fast. You’ll block one s.HK and then EX DP immediately. s.HK usually keeps him out of throw range any way so it’s not really a thing you need to DP on very often and he’s already plus 3 as it is. Take 2 of those and let him push himself out instead of trying to EX DP off something he usually can’t even throw you from (and Dictator’s usually dont wanna throw unless your stun is up because it kills their pressure unless you’re dead in corner). He doesn’t have a command grab he gets his VT2 going so dont be afraid to block and wait for patterns before teching, EX DPing or v reversaling

Work on looking for Dictator flipping in the air after DR or stomp to see the best way to AA. I would look at HighlandFireball’s video on what you can do. Urien has tall enough AA’s to try to make a move on it or go air to air. Also if you’re holding charge you can like just HK tackle or HP headbutt clear out of the way of it.


I seriously need to put in more effort on improving my Gief.
Right now my Falke is leagues above my Gief and this feels so wrong.
I need to figure the best way to bully people with him in this S4 using that lovely st mp he has.

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