SFV Lounge: Cammy at the Falken bottom, Makoto is in final phases, Leo Alex is broken

It was actually about breaking them in a sense, making them more used and more frequent, while also limiting how powerful cancelling into them is.

No one knows so far :frowning:

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I did see that, but didn’t have much to add. Many of the V system things just are or aren’t so its tough to implement as you described.

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Yeah, like Charlie would just have his teleport constantly, and that might be a bit much, but at the same time he’s not that great, so maybe it’s fine? It’s definitely a delicate balancing act, and hopefully people are aware that any fighting game is a very very fragile ecosystem.

Like sometimes you have to just look at Falke VT2 and despair.

I would actually prefer to see more one and done Triggers.

And, ironically, I would prefer more “activation” style triggers be closer to Falke VT2 or Birdie, where it’s not just an unconditional activation.

But really, at this point. The VT’s are what they are.

I don’t know why they pretty much ditched the one and done triggers after Season 1. Thought they were interesting and added to the 2/3 bar variety of the triggers. Most of the better triggers are activation based though so yeah.

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Wait you are running sets with Yung Art? :wink:

Nah I’m just stream monstering him ATM. He’s playing against Flux Wave’s Mika. I finally beat Flux for once just earlier so we’ll see (CFN didn’t let me rematch because CFN)

They kinda had to. By the time we got second VT’s, not having a VTC was a clear problem for many characters, so they just kinda want to make sure everyone can do it.

Mika’s is a one shot that works correctly at least since it’s a one shot that gives a VTC. Zeku’s is basically like a Mika one shot that lets you hold onto its use after activation. His VT1 is the closest anything after S1 has gotten to a one shot trigger again. Especially after fixing the issues with Sim’s VT1 it’s not bad as a press trigger and get the trigger trigger.

The shit like Nash and Vega that doesn’t have VTC sucks though, yeah.

Like I have said before, I would rather the VTC part just be alot weaker, rather than glue a VTC onto the one shots.

But, that ship sailed along time ago.

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I agree, I think that would be the optimal route. But the way a lot of them are designed just wouldn’t support that without heavy tinkering, which just might make it worse. Oh well.

Friendly reminder that KI did VTC the best

Actually, you could solve it fairly easy if you wanted. Increase VT activation from 5 frames to something like 10-15 frames.

It’s not elegant, but it would do it.

Also, because of Combo Breakers in KI, the game could support alot more BS (in a good way).

I dunno if 0 frame activation was the best, but post hit you usually couldn’t convert anywhere near as well, yeah.

One of the well implemented things about V Trigger is that raw activates at least have recovery to them. They’re not pure instant button presses you can hit to change the neutral like an XF and KI which are 2 of the bigger problems of them in those games. Which is why there are very few characters that have real good raw activates in SFV.

Or you could introduce it so that V reversal always threw the opponent away after the cancel regardless of the move etc.

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I’m sure some people would complain about this, but this is mostly old school alpha counters any ways and I don’t mind cheap alpha counters that just blow people away. You’re spending the meter so why not.

There is a meta to the V Reversal in V but its mainly in favor of the attacker outside of stuff with long total frames.

I’d still want it to be good, but as I outlined, maybe a little more costly as to how much of your trigger you have left afterwards. And that’s far more complicated than the more inelegant (but definitely valid) scenario of just making the cancels not great on block.

In KI anyway, the game has combo breakers. Which as said before, allows it to handle alot more things that would be bullshit in SF.

My problem with VTC isn’t so much the combo conversions, but more the pressure situation. It gives you a free mixup alot of times, and hat is a huge potential momentum swing… for free.

A meter for a meter seems fair to me. If I gota burn my comeback to keep yours from working that seems like a fair trade.


Another thought is to reduce the amount of V gauge from the revenge system. Enough that a 3 bar trigger wasn’t guaranteed based on damage alone.

This would require use of the V-skill to actively build that resource. Thus making it a player decision rather than a given.

Of course, then you may need to re-examine a few of the V-Skills. But overall, I would prefer this approach.