SFV Lounge: Cammy at the Falken bottom, Makoto is in final phases, Leo Alex is broken


I would say this match in the timestamp here is more of how I’d like to see you play more often. You were a bit less passive here and actually pushed to the corner.


Past that it’s more of the same stuff.

  • You need to walk in and throw more after stuff like s.MP and c.MP.

  • Dash forward throw/plus on block medium button more. Walk in with s.MK more also.

  • Use a few more feints in neutral. Try to fake charge s.HP every once in a while and actually use it, let it release sometimes and play the games with it. Ed can’t demon flip or command dash in to open people up so you have to pepper in block traps and feints sometimes.

  • In general vs FlyingVe you could have played more aggressively vs him. He doesn’t really go for overheads, MP traps or v skill much so gives you more room to punish him for being too passive. He doesn’t really have Momochi’s reactions or anything so you don’t have to be too afraid to take advantage.

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Just as a note, because I was one of the players. He has edited the full set down, so you aren’t really seeing everything. I can state with confidence, that he does do much of that, but you just didn’t see it in the selection.

Likewise, some of my tendencies you are pointing out, aren’t necessarily that true over the full set.

Not saying the advice isn’t sound, just saying in general.

As a big tournament player a time ago you only get 2/3 in a tournament and if you’re not doing something that’s important in a certain segment of your play, you’re probably not doing it enough in general.

In that matchup and the way you were playing definitely wasn’t any reason to not do more of what he said. Plus what I explained is a majority of what the Master and higher Eds online regularly do any way.

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it’s Guile

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Hey it’s because

He’s being a family man in January and February


All jokes and autism aside…where the fuck is Season 4. The real answer will always be, there was not season 4 to begin with.

YZ can beat Ibuki V-Skill with Bushin Sho (Palm). The stepback during the Palm animation makes Ibuki V-Skill whiff.

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Oh definitely, I wasn’t attempting to discredit or devalue any of the advice, just stating there is some context to some of the decisions in this instance.

Yeah he just needs a little more fire to his play basically.

Guile sux. Bottom of the barrel.

I generally agree, but I’m not good enough yet to really force him to change.

Against people who are better at the game you usually need to take a more active role in winning.

Both things turned around for the better by the end! Ha, sorry, just saw that and couldn’t help it.

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Oh, I know, but that took a while, and I wasn’t enthralled enough to tick it out.

I was looking back on this thread a little… what is the answer to this question :thinking:

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Although it’s arguable Takeda was a little too nuts for a while, at least in Ronin. That pressure was so good.

Dat NRS balancing!

Hey at least he got got by the rushdown chars! He was sloooowww, which was bad news bears in MKX.

But, uh, back to our regularly scheduled programming

Right, SFV sucks.

I actually had an idea about maybe a change to the V-system that got lost in the shuffle talking about Blazblue. It’s a band-aid, for sure, but it might be at least an interesting solution to the problem of the V-system’s imbalances.

You can come up with 90 different ways to make the V triggers more fair and some of the V Skills less shitty, but that’s not what Capcom wants. They want blood spilled and Valle CC’s.


If you’re bored. Arturo is playing the most dry Falke you will ever see.