SFV Lounge: Cammy at the Falken bottom, Makoto is in final phases, Leo Alex is broken

@Vhozite I am ready now.

Gimmie like two more minutes to shove food in my face

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Booting up now

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It actually plays like something I’ll bother with for a week for once so we will have to play some games. No one could have convinced me to deal with all of that running and high low in MKX so im glad its a little more old school this time. I can play like a Falke player without having to use Kung Jin in Neutral Kombat 11

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wait wait wait UNIST doesn’t have air dashes…

I might have to check this game out too…

Evo Japan isnt even a CPT event and it was ran 3 hours away from Tokyo so a lot of hard hitters couldnt make it (although top 8 did have some of the beasts from last year).

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One more im really tired. Gotta wake up in 8hrs too

Well then…you said you wanted random select lmao

Can we try random again… That was unfortunate…

wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow …wow now…I use the word tempt very lightly…like Juri’s tier lightly…we got til April

Edit: EC I’m sorry but if Capcom announces Elena, Maki, Ninja Fur guy, Eagle, Bison Doll #6 then I’m back on my SFV bullshiet

Gotta call it there. gg man

GG’s @Vhozite

I don’t see alot of Ibuki so I was kinda figuring things out as I went. On that note… her V-Skill is kinda obnoxious…

Otherwise, i thought I played okay, I had alot of execution errors, such as dropped Itaden Confirms. Also 3 times I had a wild super come out after Teki>Koku. I have no idea how the game was getting a super input there, it was weird.

It happened twice with G too, but I know that that is just the shitty interaction between the 22 input and this game 60,000 input shortcuts.

Edit: Also, Lol at random select giving us Zeku Mirrors, after I had been playing him all night.

I remember the few times we tried to play MKX.

  1. The netcode was straight trash. I had literally no chance of interrupting anything scorpion was doing… even if is should.

  2. I was playing Takeda… which in retrospect, was a bad call in general.

I really did not like that game. Maybe if the netcode worked it would have grown on me but… yeah.

Do you really think that will stop Capcom?

Ibuki’s VS is, unironically, one of the best buttons in the game. You saw when I got Karin i kept hitting mp+mk just from muscle memory lmao. Just practice whiff punishing the uncharged version. Zeku might be able to tag the charged version on whiff too im not sure. Can’t really give you better advice than that because i get smacked by her VS too.

Other than that my Ibuki is pretty basic bitch status right now. Though I will say 3 bar trigger on a fragile character is not the look when her VT2 is still quite potent. I’ll probably switch back to using that.

Edit: oh wow you got zeku on random select i thought there was a miscommunication lmao. Shit was pretty funny.

Kolin is about where Cammy is where she will stay strong regarless of what they do to her. They won’t touch the core of characters like them, Akuma, Rashid etc.

Cammy getting touched as much as she did required a lot of things going on like a whole bandwagon of her showing up for most of the top 8s in the first half of CPT events. Still not going to see much Kolin regardless.

Forgot we even played MKX. Fuck that game lol

I figured out i could Koku or sHK wiff punish with O Zeku, but I never got a good handle on the range.

Yeah i had to adjust after that. I’m still not very familiar with Zeku besides fighting you. Have to guess what is and isn’t plus. YZ slide can kick rocks tho.

Hopefully I’ll be a better showing when I don’t choke on every VT pop.

I really like Ibuki though. She has a tool for pretty much every situation and VT pop can lead to absurd health swings.

Yeah, Y Zeku slide is dumb… His sHK is also dumb, which is why you see me push it alot. And also his cMP and sHP. Y Zeku has alot of dumb things to press.

Also, Ibuki cMP is a hard punish for Koku if I hit you with the leg hitbox. Which will probably be alot if I’m not conscious of it. So you could feel free to cancel it into something to hurt me.

Yeah i need to learn to punish blocked grams. Between the range and active frames I always assumed it was safe.

It can be if I’m careful… but I’m often not. I figure there’s almost no consequence to pressing the cMP after it. I’m either -6 (punish) or -3.

Also, there is no solution to Itaden that I know of. I can pop the dash and tag you with a random low in a flash. And then you take a whole bunch of damage. It also lets me do triple low, which almost everyone gets hit by. The more I play the character the greater appreciation I get for how good that VT is.