SFV Lounge: Cammy at the Falken bottom, Makoto is in final phases, Leo Alex is broken

Yes it was a joke… Ed’s fireball is fine.

But if I can’t beat you fairly, I will instead just get your character nerfed.

I’m playing the real FGC meta.

It’s fine, all the characters you want to use seem to get nerfed first~

Zeku and Kolin seem to be safe…

But Evo Japan was won by a Zeku/Kolin… so I’m probably fucked.

I’ll say it again though, I like your G. A command grab pairs very well with your play style. I suppose necalli could work too?

Necalli’s too stubby

G’s fun but I need to keep grinding with Ed for a while. Partly 'cause Frost will yell at me if I switch again :stuck_out_tongue:

…that, and I’ve tried G in random online matches before and I don’t like using G against people who play really nutty. On top of that, G can have a harder time keeping craziness under control himself, and he’s at his best when he himself is going completely bonkers, which isn’t really my style. He has aspects that match, but I don’t think I can bring out the best in G. He’s better for someone like Smug

Don’t play G. Play Gief instead!

I tried

You don’t want to see how that turned out

Unrelated but someone brought this gif back


Smash trying to rewrite history with that gif, xTK was the first to be shunned into the waters of shittery :^)

Edit: Wonder if I can find that video of Aquasilk flinging his SF4 disc out the window LOL

SFxT never really got a fair shake. Neither did smash, but the succeeded anyways.

That the stupid thing about the whining, Melee SUCCEEDED. It’s not like smash is absent from EVO, it’s just the opted to include the new (and good) game rather than the 20 year old game. It’s the same reason EVO doesn’t still have SF2 or MvC2 on stage.

Melee players need to grow up. They should be proud of what the accomplished, not bitching that it’s finally time to move on.



As an example of how bad it went. I won, handily.

There’s no difference between us SF4 was a good game and xTK was a good game people. Both games were complete shit except xTK was shit from the gate. Edit: And Smash isn’t a fighting game so I’ll never write more than 2 sentences about it.

Thought I guess to be fair SF x TK did deserve a lot of the flack it got, for all the BS they tried to pull (paid gems and paying for combos are still some of the dumbest things I’ve ever seen) and all the problems it had on launch

Sometimes I wonder how things would be if they never made that Vita deal and the 2013 version was how it launched…


Vanilla SFxT really was awful. Really truly.

So yeah, the vanilla game was garbage. But also, forcing that wierd 2v2 format on tournaments was bad, and in its second go around it was only “at” evo in the most token possible way.

The game brought a lot of its problems on itself, but it wasn’t all the games fault.

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It had the best version of Hugo though :3



Could xT Hugo do this! Liessssssssssssss

Edit: Alex wasn’t even the best damn Hugo…but I forgot that dudes name that played Hugo and dated Sherry.
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any tips on dealing with Bison as Urien? I can AA him almost all the time but it feels like no matter what I do he gets in sooner or later and once he’s in I can only hope he doesn’t try to bait my ex hb and v reversals

SF4 should have been in VITA instead, it’s a waste opportunity. too bad Vita is dead.

There’s a chance for SF4 SWITCH that can used SFV models with Violent Ken plus with additional Tag mode as bonus.

The crossover that we will never see…


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Tech gods can archive their various videos into one huge post and then pin it on top of their other tweets so you’ll always see it when you hit up their twitter. Other people can just bookmark a tweet.

I totally understand people being annoyed by that but I follow like everyone in the FGC so my timeline is an infinite number of tech videos for like every main game at Evo lmao

Well good thing you don’t need Tech Videos for at least two games on EVO.

Wonder how Uniest will go, hope pretty well, game deserves all the love it can get.

@FlyingVe Am I doing this right