SFV Lounge: Cammy at the Falken bottom, Makoto is in final phases, Leo Alex is broken

I still like Zeku. I have trouble with a lot of OZeku normals still, they “feel” like they should hit further out that they do. WHich leads to a lot of the wiffing @Akhos mentioned. I’m not fishing so much as wiffing out of incompetence. I like playing the spacing game with gram… but you really can’t rely on that.

I’m trying to use Y Zeku more as he’s clearly the better character, I just am not comfortable with the raw change, and I think I need to be.

I’m trying to play more Karin, but random execution foibles in her move set make me mad.

Note: with Kolin cMP is your confirm button, not sMP. You do the G sequence, sMP>cMP a lot and that doesn’t combo normally.

The colors got data mined quite awhile back. Someone posted a gallery on imgur a couple months ago.


They just forgot to mine and post Gief’s one there.

They probably got more.

I honestly think you got a lot better in the matchup. That might explain why you were able to handle Moss. You really are a good Kolin. I’m not just saying that because you’re my homie, either. I deadass have to be careful because you punish well, and you also be sneaking in those jabs into EX hands if I’m too careless with my strings. Ranked can just body us at times.

You’re good, fam.

Gonna throw you even more next time. Watch yourself.

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Yeah I think that is the progression of every Zeku player. :slight_smile: You even saw Daigo doing it when he was feeling the char out. I’d do it too; for me O. Zeku is actually the more interesting char to play in terms of style but Y. Zeku is the form that does the work. So many rounds start with create space -> ninja out.

I think you would like Karin a lot. That walkspeed and those buttons make me thirsty but I know flat out I’m too much of a pleb to handle her execution. Took me way too many tries just to clear her trials that had JF Tenko -> Orochi juggles.

Appreciate the Kolin pointer. I definitely default to other muscle memory with her. I’ve done some really rudimentary training mode stuff with her but not much. So it has fallen back on whomever else I played more, more recently. Used to be doing Laura stuff, now its G. You will note on review all the times I did button -> no confirm cancel Para. Those are supposed to be safe fireballs. :grin:

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Is there a trick to the Orochi juggle?

The JF Tenko is simple enough, I just worked out a method for each significant cancel button. (Plink off lights, double tap off mediums), but the orochi still only connects when it feels like it?

I am by no means an expert but I did have notes on how I did it before (which helped out later when they released more trials with that fucking juggle).

What I remember is that you actually have to do the Orochi part of the move fast. Like QCF+K, immediate DF+P to get Orochi to come out ASAP. Most of the time when I was missing it it was because the Orochi was actually coming out a hair too slow for the juggle. Buggered me up because I was doing the Orochi as early as I could but not as fast as I could if that makes sense.

A legit Karin player can probably be more helpful here. I just got it down enough to clear trials (which even then took some doing).

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Brah some of those Hooligan mix ups straight up fuck with mind.

“How did he hit me in the front when I was in front? Oh wait, he was behind me? But then if I’m the front how did that hit me in the front!!!?!?!?”


I’m gonna space myself out more when I get you in the corner you mashing ass mudah lovah


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Hooligan Mixups actually work?
Strange, never did for me, had to resort to boring ass ground pressure.

Maybe they become better the less mashier the opponent gets.

tomorrow, evo lineup 2019 stream


It’s like someone who just ended his dinner looking at someone else who didn’t eat nothing the whole day, but the first asking to the latter why he’s so angry. I couldn’t imagine your thoughts if Bison wasn’t in SFV yet, probably you were in the still angry group.

His tune will change once they nerf Bipson into the ground.

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Also, just to vent a little about when Akhos was on bison.

Him teleporting through the normal designed to stop his dash is… yep…

The Orochi doesn’t need to be plinked like the JFT, after the command dash part you have to execute down+P immediately. You just need to be quick right after JFT connects, no tricks, will become second nature with time.


Full FF season is unlikely, you’d lose a lot of sales throwing all eggs in one basket like that. FF’s universe is popular, but when you get outside of Cody, Guy, Haggar, the Poison girls and Andre twins, you start scraping the barrel a bit more.

Damnd is possible I think, we lack a Mad Gear thug for Cody to beat the shit out of. Abi is a changed man.

Rashid and Akuma will be untouched.

Bison, Abigail, and Ed will be nerfed.

Place your bets.

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The more Ed nerfs the better. Cammy is having to try too hard to get out of the barrel as it is.


Akuma and Rashid are still mad annoying, but Capcom will not fuck them. Not sure about Birdie and Bison, but in general S4 looks better than previous seasons balance wise so I don’t hold my breath for a 4.5 update tbh.

I don’t think Capcom is capable of not nerfing Ed and Abigail.