SFV Lounge: Cammy at the Falken bottom, Makoto is in final phases, Leo Alex is broken

So which heavies are the crush counters?

Need to find that old SRK post on why Honda is the most bad ass of the world warriors.



Honda won’t have issues against Zoners anymore.

Ok somebody had fun lol.


I’d definitely play Honda if he came back, he was always one of my favs.

Imagine he completely destroys like Ibuki or Rashid. I’ve been waiting on that character and they’ve never come through yet ( aren’t top tier, but destroy top tier).

Come on old boy, do it for SF2 kids!


Of course Honda brings all the 42 year olds out. Sagat will have that 7 3 vs Honda again.

Lmao these pics though.


If Honda gets to body gief/Bison I got a new main.

Don’t even give a fuck if he loses to Sagat.


That would be a good thing. A very good thing.

When @Frost starts getting in my head


Funny enough, Sagat was probably the fireball character Honda had the easiest time with in ST, since he could headbutt over low tigers and HHS under the high ones.

O.Sagat still had the advantage (duh), but it was like 6-4 rather than the 8-2 matchups Honda had against most other FB-characters :V

Plus it’s ST so Honda gets in randomly one time despite the numbers and it might be GGs.

I want that Vanilla IV 7 3 again. No good anti projectile options just lose.

Honda vs Cammy in ST is hilarious because Cammy can’t do shit about headbutts.

Bring that fuck. :japanese_goblin:

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ST Honda was a balanced character.
In the sense that half his matchups were 8-2 in his favor and the other half were 2-8. Statistically all his matches were even, then.

ST Honda must be forgotten and buried so he never returns.


Just because a character wins against Gief doesn’t make them evil :frowning:

Honda players are teabaggers.


That matchup was a literal free win if you knew what button had light punch bound to it though, and could press that button at random intervals while headbutting whenever Gief jumped.

It’s literally one of the worst MUs I’ve seen in any fighting game, let alone SF.

Yeah but Bea seems to hate any character in any game that beats Gief :stuck_out_tongue:

as a unist player I want to be like “just get good man, the best player in america is a dude who plays the unist equivalent of ryu and schools phonons”

now even though thats true and theres counterplay and she can get mauled on offense and her own mixups are nonexistent
fuck that character, doing ignorant damage on top of having some of the nastiest buttons to ever live

I like watching that matchup. Cammy just j.MP’s all day and hopes she doesn’t die.