SFV Lounge: Cammy at the Falken bottom, Makoto is in final phases, Leo Alex is broken

Pretty much the same for me. Imagine playing against that character as a beginner, getting blasted never getting in… then the one time you do get in and actually start to dig into that life bar… she bursts you back to full screen.

I had enough of that shit. Full on zoning has always been something that I’ve never dealt with well unless I am playing a straight up anti zoner like sf4 Ibuki or sf5 bison/Cammy.

Otherwise it just feels like playing poker and the deck is stacked against you every hand.

Nu and Arakune were beginner killers. They were way too effective with too little investment.

SF usually doesn’t have anything that bad. There are characters like Guile and Gief (not in SFV) though that can do a lot with little work, but nothing on that level.

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Honda was captured by Shadaloo and he transformed into a Gorilla due to the experiments

That is the Honda redesign


I do have a body pillow and she’s fully aware that I play those games.

Meet her trough FFXIV so she’s also on a weeb level.

I do play these games in front of anyone and I really don’t care, cause only people who really think the opinions of strangers would matter anything.
Heck I play BBCPE on my Vita during my lunch break.
I have anime keychains and a rubber Nu on my smartphone.

Yes I’m a giant weeb, but at least I stand to this and meet my actual GF because of this.

Now get out there and achive the same, before you try to talk to me again.

This made me go back and watch some of my old BB replays that are on YouTube…

There is a lot of evidence to me either being a genius or a moron.

Also, my approach to Arakune was mostly just to disrespect everything.

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I’m not sure what this is supposed to prove. Just because I said anime weeb games are vrigin status doesn’t mean everyone that plays them doesn’t/hasn’t had a woman. That being said if you look at top 8 at Anime Ascension you are not seeing dudes that looks like they spend any amount of time with the opposite sex. I know it, you know it, we all know it.

Cool I’m glad for you. It’s nice when you cna meet people through common interest.

Hey I never said you should care. Again this is a tier list based on things I’ve seen people who don’t play (((((Anime)))) games say. The amount of people that play DBFZ but wouldn’t be caught dead playing BB is a ton.

@Doctrine_Dark nigga I know you only play DBFZ cuz Mahvel is dead right now. I know you don’t play that shit cuz you a weeb.

I have a pic of Kolin as my phone wall paper


I did achive something, I rustled your fucking jimmies boi!!! hahahahahaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!

You still a weeb ass nigga doe :coffee:

Laugh at me, I just learned a new/old term called APM (Actions Per Minute)

I thought they weren’t nerfing anyone heavy and mostly buffing?

Of course it’s the big body grappler they look for first. Big boys are not fun and slow things down for everyone else.


If you didn’t pay much attention to stategy games or smash, you wouldn’t hear it much.

Especially in a game like Starcraft, the more things you can do in a span of time, the better.

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Also I hate the anthromorph animal costumes. Hopefully they don’t do that again for V.


They will, this is the redesign.


As long as Honda is worse than Alex I’ll accept that.

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He won’t be and you know it.

Honda needs the SFV touch,so prepare yourself for unreactable full screen EX headbutt to be +3 on block.


Long as he can’t cancel it into Aegis I’m good.

Worst case scenario counter pick him with Sagat again LOL.

That’s basically used to be the Smasher reasoning why Smash was better than fighting games.

You know, back when they definitely weren’t crying about not being at Evo, or crying about how they were a fighting game and we needed to accept them, but before crying about how they don’t need Evo after all.

Our game is better because we have to hit 4 buttons to dash forward.

Aight. How’s the carpal tunnel? :joy:

He won’t cancel into aegis but he can throw salt.


Oh yeah he needs the salt throw. That’s going to be v skill or something.


If Honda comes back, I need him to keep his old St.HP so I can chop mofos right in the face. Satisfying button to land.

Also shotouts to the Jewelman combos in SF4. God damn those were sick looking combos. Definitely one of those that had the “You just got fucked up” look to it.

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No jokes though, X Kira is full of shit but i have inside info that E. Honda will be the perfect counter pick for most of the cast, as previewed in this video my cousin that works at Capcom managed to record.