SFV Lounge: Cammy at the Falken bottom, Makoto is in final phases, Leo Alex is broken

Lol at buying 50+ costumes Ed

This question is for anyone but how many costumes do you guys tend to use? Typically i only use one alt as my primary and then if I want to change it up i just go back to default.

Like on Chun, Ibuki, and Nash I only ever pick their Nostalgia costumes lol

With Falke I alternate between her professional one and her swimwear one.
For Gief on SFV it is pink battle costume only.

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I found it!

I just saw the first post with the worst CFN warriors. I’m insulted that y’all forgot me.

How y’all doin btw?

I see how Capcom makes their money. Logically $93 isn’t bad. The same content would be $220 under SFV’s price structure. That said, I can’t fathom dropping $93 on the Season Pass.

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I cycle between all my dlc costumes.

ZioSerpe - df, df p+k is the move you’re looking for. And kokoro’s chain command grab is similar to akira’s SPOD.

down back and hold P+K that’s the real deal
I definitively like her moves, not a big fan of how she looks though

I’ll rotate through most of the ones I like, at least in BL. With G I only really like his Story costume so I just rotate colors but for Laura/Kolin they have a deep closet and I make good use of it.

It’s a dumb thing but I like the visual variety. Even back in the age of sprites I liked rotating through colors periodically just to shake it up. In the 3D era I like having alternate costumes to hop between. Well so long as they are actually good.

You have to play the game to make the list. :stuck_out_tongue:

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No promises, but I might gun for my belt back. :rofl:

Just make sure you beat @Akhos he’s terrible and literally everyone beats him.

How much did he pay you to lie for him?

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Good! Bea is training to be the strongest SFV woman in South America and she could really use another punching bag training partner.

If we perpetuate the myth he lets us out of the corner sometimes during matches so we get to feel like we are playing the game.


@Volt actually I pointed out that if you were to enter it would have been no contest.

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Lie? Last time the 4 of us played we bodied him like 50-2.

We were even doing random select picks while he stuck with his main.

It was embarrassing.

Yup @Akhos and @Twinblades are the Krillin and Yamcha of the group.

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Yikes, never expected Akhos to get Yamcha’d like that. Last time I played him he was solid.

But then again, SFV is a game of mental toughness and he doesn’t seem to have the right attitude to improve.

Reading this conversation and i cannot tell who is lying lol

Kokoro has always looked derpy. But she’s better to look at in DOA 6. She was a lot derpier in DOA 5.

She looks better if you customise her hairstyle to “One Side Up”

Ofcourse i cycle between the costumes. They didn’t bless Chun with 20 costumes just for me to play around with 2 or 3. I rarely use the swimsuits and i don’t have the SWAT one but i use everything else.

There is one particular costume, the battle one with color 12 or 13 (Red dress). I believe that one to be like a good fortune for me. I always do well with that particular costume and color.

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Damn I must sound like the guy who always picks The Grid :sweat_smile: