SFV Lounge: Cammy at the Falken bottom, Makoto is in final phases, Leo Alex is broken

I remember someone said MVCI was the “Grand Theft Auto” of fighting games. That shit couldn’t have been more accurate. At no point did I feel limited when playing it.


That’s only because that person never played Smash: Melee.

Think what you want about smash, but Melee has almost no limit to how far you can push it.

Highest of high level SamSho.

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I don’t wanna push Nintendo characters or Pokemon to any limit or anywhere at all.

Yup starting from Xmen COTA the series was designed to be super degenerate super hero fighting. Everything is loud and ridiculous because that’s what it’s going to be.

That’s why it is great that MVCI did get a shot that it did. Trying to make an eSport out of the Running Man. If you’re bad you can still shoot out someone’s tires and if you’re good you can jack a helicopter and run from swat.

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If Cammy divekick hits above knee height, mash buttons. Even the Ex version can be negative above the knee or +0.

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Her unga is directly attached to something you have to be good at in SF in general. Like people say Kolin’s st.HP is an issue but that’s only really in VT2. Like are you mad I whiff punished you? lol

Her VT2 only carries a certain type of player though. st.HP fishing into crush counter slide can only get you so far especially now that crush counter combo starters scale so fucking hard now. That’s why doing the old neutral jump after a DP route is the best now.

I’m glad people don’t like Kolin. I hope everyone hates Rose to.

Also if Iron Man isn’t broken in MVC4 and they don’t bring back War Machine game is a fucking failure.

I’ll let it slide though if they bring Tina Turner rouge but other that that fuck Fantastic 4 and fuck X-Men.


I don’t disagree, but VT2 can carry you to wins regardless of what type of player you are.

If you are Momochi, and don’t even need it… that’s just a statement to how good you are.

This Balrog mod…


You can even push it right out of EVO.



Those data mined leaks are all I needed to hear.
now I’m curious to see this psycho power gorilla if it’s true. Final round can’t come soon enough.

And in not SF stuff I just watched a breakdown of moves and loadouts for Johnny cage I’m pretty much sold on the game. I haven’t played mk since I was a kid but seems like they’re putting a lot of effort into this game.

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Hey, I will defend Melee as a game, but I don’t disagree with taking it out of Evo.

Smash players are being whiny, it’s not even like their whole discipline got left out.

I went to ESA Oakland last night. I did pretty good. Made it to Losers round 5 or 6. Right before Losers Quarters.

I lost first round, pretty handily, to a Kolin player named Nephew. He ended up winning the whole thing beating XSK Samurai in the GF. @Twinblades take note of this guy. He’s crazy fucking good.

I went through Losers and beat quite a few of the best players there. Ran into Rotten Seagull and he took my lunch money.

Two of my matches were caught on the IRL streamer Hijoser. http://www.twitch.tv/hijoser/v/387899318?sr=a&t=4802s. Really good Grand finals. Kolin throughout.

Vs. Kolin at 00:11:44
Vs. Mika at 1:21:30


Oh I know about Nephew. Yeah he does interesting things with Kolin.


The one that was posted here earlier nothing I found lol.

Yeah I don’t have much against Melee specifically. I ended up watching the GF last year because I came back early and it might have been the beer but I was able to appreciate the actual game play.

My biggest gripe was always that there were two Smash games in a 9 slot event. I wouldn’t have cared who got the cut but it isn’t at all surprising that Melee got the boot when Ultimate is shiny and new and not requiring CRTs.

Here it is

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I didn’t mind it for a bit, but I can’t get behind continuing to give Melee a slot over other newer games.

@TWINBLADES check the quote below. DD hooked the thread up awhile ago.


Final Round gonna pop off like CEO 2016 if even a smidge of this shit is revealed there.

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then how about you play it. all that when´s marvel over the years, you guys get one but no one is playing it. :coffee: