SFV Lounge: Cammy at the Falken bottom, Makoto is in final phases, Leo Alex is broken

BB Tag ripped ideas from a dead Marvel game. That’s how important crack is. Crack made DBFZ and it made BB Tag. Crack is all.


Honestly from someone that played DMC3 with Vergil quite a lot, I was 95% certain that when he was revealed (well, leaked) in UMvC3 that he would be top tier. I just knew for a fact that Spiral Swords would be dumb af because of the way its controlled in DMC3, well that and sword normals (lol helmbreaker), they also made his rapid slash cross up which I didnt even expect but oh well it all mounted up.

Lmao I remember people back then questioning Vergil’s inclusion because they swore he was a clone because he was Dante in blue, people can be so dumb lmao


I only care if captain America and the human torch both have the same voice actor and base character Model.

Like, they need to almost look like the same person, but maybe the torch looks slightly younger.


Truth: I could have lived with that ugly fucker but Final Justice is one of those things for me. I could have taken one or the other but both was too much for my weary heart.

MSH CapAm is one of my favorite things. If you want to talk cross promotional payoff Marvel and Disney can probably attribute all the tickets they’ve sold me for MCU stuff just based on the first time I saw Final Justice and fell in love.

I’ve only had fun with X-Men vs SF, no love for Crack tbh.

I think I liked labing MvC3 more than playing it. At some point playing just became a big shrug as the game was all bullshit all the time.

I actually would like them to tone down the cheapness a bit, or at least make it less forced.

I see leaks still aren’t enough to stop us from not talking about SFV :stuck_out_tongue:

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Hey Ed, nice sMP!

Also @DevilJin_01 why do you still hold that Abigail pick against me that only lasted like a day :frowning:

I just consider him US Agent. You can’t be Cap without Final Justice. I could get bopped and not care if Ianded it.

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Okay, honest SFV matchup question.

At what heights is Cammy’s dive kick contestable on block and not plus? What should I be visually looking for.

This talk of Final Justice reminded me of how awful some of the presentation is in MvCI. What they did with Penance Stare was unforgivable.

Check in training mode with attack data on, you can see just how + or - she is and train your visual cues from there

(Since I don’t remember off the top of my head)

Nah what they need to do is to allow a zoner to lock people in a box and zone them for free.


MvC3 was cheap in some areas and just mercilessly dumb in others. Zero out there wasting you with 2 bars and zoop zoops, but rhe DHC glitch was “too much”. You also had combo damage be hilariously high well before you spent bar on anything. The “lol i hit you in the air so I get a combo” normals get added to thebpule of dumb too.

Still mad they neutered Tron Bonne assist and Haggar. At least let the game have those two things but nooo.

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That’s the point. You should have known that was only going to last a day.

That’s kinda what I mean, it often felt like they forced it to be cheap, rather than just let cheap things be found.

Like I said, a lot of times in a match stuff would happen and you just shrug and go “oh well”.

I will usually challenge if it hits above the knee, especially I have a 3 framer. That’s for regular, for EX I’ll usually only challenge if it hits particularly high.

Akhos’ advice is better for figuring out the particulars though. I honestly need to go back in and re-test. Last time I tested it was when I was grinding out low ranks with Laura.


I am very much into this

They aren’t real leaks though. Just what somebody says is in a file, which even if true still may not be representative of what actually makes it in the game.

It’s interesting, but way too tenuous to take any of it to heart.