SFV Lounge: Cammy at the Falken bottom, Makoto is in final phases, Leo Alex is broken

Samurai Shodown has swords so I’m already interested


yeah all that Soul Calibur you play

You forget my primary investment

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Yeah but I’m talking about fighting games


So am I

But Will

Smash isn’t a fighting game



Iaido users da bes




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Aegus the best.

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I am hoping for Wan Fu or Charlotte to be in, though.
Ukyo is my 3rd pick. He is way too top tier.

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You’ve never played or watched Alpha 3 before apparently. And that game only gave you full meter for the first round.

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Imagine how “fun” it would be to fight G or Akuma with full VT at round start.
One hit lands and you already lost 50% of your HP before you can do anything.
So much fun.

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So in other words V-Ism in Street Fighter Alpha 3 for 80% of characters.

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Say what y’all want about MK but at least they make their characters have more personality and they actually listen to fans about giving character specific intros while Capcom Still hasn’t done it despite us asking for it like 10 years now. But like usual any game that ain’t from Capcom itll be in the spotlight for a short period and we’ll be back to SFV being the main game even though it’s not loved as much

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NRS understands the idea of making the game a product better than everyone else in the industry (the closest is probably arksys).

The best thing is, they are getting better at the gameplay part with each attempt (since they started being serious with MK9). I hope they keep at it.


Can’t wait till they show Kano.

Edit: Also SFV round start with full trigger to pop? Yeah that’s cancer right there.


I wanna like this MK game but something about it seems a little off. I hate that EVERY character has some kinda projectile even if they’re designed as a grappler, and most characters have a lighting fast projectile counter so they’ll be less room for strategy and play styles

No way in hell will Capcom go back to that, can you imagine if yun was in this game and he could start a round with genei jin?

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G is automatically god tier then akuma, bison, birdie, and ibuki get to do degenerate ass shit round start. Nah man, fuck that noise.


Ukyo stuff is always so beautiful to see.
Also, too top tier degeneracy too.

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